Ch 13 Elshire

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The trip through the dimensional rift invoked a very dizzying sensation. It was as if I was trapped in the middle of a fast-forwarded movie scene. My surroundings were whizzing by in an indistinct blur of colors as I sat on my ass.

The ground I landed on cushioned my fall with a pile of leaves and vines. I remained in same, seated position I was in during the trip, not even bothering to take in my surroundings, I drew in mana just sitting there for a second.

Then a dull thud came from behind me I turned to see Arthur just lying there and a single tear came from his eye, then he started dry sobbing and I just watched him, He bottles these up so might as well let him let them out.

he curled up then suddenly propped up with a happy expression which then faded to a sad one, looks like he's getting the message from Silvia.


"How did Silvia know my name?" he said under his breath, I tapped him on the shoulder and said his name "art... art... ART!" He didn't respond.

"Grey!, did you pass out standing up or something?" after he heard his name he snapped back to attention finally noticing I was there to which he hugged me and then sobbed a few times before looking up rubbing his eyes.

"yea she is gone along with Bahamut" I sighed under my breath although it was only 4 months with him it felt like years, I didn't see him as a grandparent but like an uncle that was tough on you when your parents weren't.

(yes I know I put 2 months as the time spent in the last chapter but I was going by the wiki, the chapter said 4 months so I'm putting this in now)

"Al where the hell are we?"

Looking around, trees that towered high over my head surrounded me. There was a dense fog that loomed thickly a couple of centimeters off the ground, filling the air with nearly palpable moisture.

Trees and an unnaturally thick fog...

"by the looks of it and this damm fog probably the forest of Elshire."

"elven territory huh?"

"yep, we should probably look for a stream for water"

"agreed" Arthur shot back

we didn't have any sort of provisions except for the clothes on our backs or what remained of them, and our dragon's eggs. This cursed fog limited my vision to about a few meters around me. While reinforcing my eyes with mana helped quite a bit.

we reinforced our bodies, enabling mana rotation that had become second nature to us by now. Right now, I could only absorb roughly 30 percent of what I could do while just meditating, but I couldn't complain.

we climbed a few branches up the nearest tree and situated me once I got high enough. I focused mana into only my eyes, enhancing my vision even further.

What I was looking for wasn't a way out but more so for any signs of those slave traders that should be around here with Tess.

After about ten minutes of searching, jumping from tree to tree, I found what I was looking for.

I hopped a few more trees, stopping at a branch just a few meters away. Hiding behind the thick trunk, I observed the group of humans, there they are. just as I thought this Arthur landed next to me.


"Someone shut her up! She's going to attract attention!"


"Quick. Put her in the back of the carriage. We're only a few days away from the mountain range. We'll be safer then. Don't relax and keep moving."

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