CH 118 Six Fronts

586 24 11

Elijah Knight Pov:

A burning pain seared my finger from where my dimension ring was fitted around, imbuing mana into the ring the Typhon's medallion emerged from the ring falling into my palm the pain subsided immediately.

"Boy, How many of the ships are ready?!" Commander Virion's voice snapped at me through the medallion, The urgency in his voice made it clear this was no question. This was an order.

"I can launch five of them right now, the rest are still undergoing retrofits from the test ship that sunk last month," I answered Signalling everyone in the underground foundry turned shipyard for the warships to ready the launch tunnels.

"Launch them as fast as possible, we need the support now, Alexander, his bond, and the Typhon won't be able to sink all of them," he spoke grimly, I could hear the frantic footsteps from his end and the shouting from mine as they prepared to launch the ships and gather their crews.

Taking a shuddering breath I braced myself for the information, "How bad is our situation?" my voice apathetic as I readied myself for the worst, Agrona likely wouldn't step foot in this war. Then again Alexander did ruin most of his plans.

"Ships are coming from every direction, they surrounded Dicathen. It won't be more than a day before they make landfall." I felt a chill wash over me at virion's words. This wasn't an armada Agrona sent, This was an invasion to wipe us off the map.

Gnashing my teeth together I heard them grind together, the tent creaked under the weight of my presence, No, we can still win this. We have 11 white more mages, Tessia being the only paladin not at the white stage although we all agreed she'd make it within a few months, no doubt due to Arthur and Al giving her any spare beast cores, and Vritra-blooded mana cores or horns that they could spare.

Taking a deep breath I calmed myself focusing on my mana core, deep within it was Cadell's will itching to be used, its power was great but so was the drain, but this wasn't the time or place to let my anger get the best of me.

"I'll launch them as soon as possible, Getting them to the other side of the content will take some time, Tell Alexander I'll be back at the Typhon as soon as they launch," I spoke ending the transmission soon after.

Stepping out of the tent Mana infused into my voice as naturally as I breathed, "All Hands Launch The Ships!! This Is Not A Drill! We're Going To War!!" My voice boomed through the underground shipyard, dead silence ensued for an instant before hundreds of voices and machinery roared to life as they readied everything.

Leaning over the railing I could see the nine ship bays scrambling with Dwarves, Humans, and Elves fueling the ships. Soon I got the signal that the ships were ready and armed. The captains of the ships stood before me.

"Is it true? they're attacking Dicathen from every coast at once?" a grizzled sailor with sunken grey eyes and a long flowing black bore and hair asked.

"Yes. I'll be honest it doesn't look good for us, But we're here to take out as many of those ships as we can while everyone fights. If we let them land on our shores we won't have enough men to repel the invasion." I spoke grimly watching the massive tunnels open and the ships slowly preparing to be lifted to the surface dry dock to set sail.

"Then we'll give them a proper welcome won't we men?" he announced turning around to the other 4 captains. His long hair flowed across his military uniform as he cheered with a sneer at the thoughts his words invoked.

"Yes, Grand Admiral Teach!" they shouted back before he raised his hand silencing the hardy sailors lining the massive warship's decks that nearly made Zephyr look half-grown in comparison.

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