Ch 102 Noah of the Buring lance

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Noah guile pov:

I hurriedly got back up onto my feet, ignoring the burning pain still radiating from my neck and legs, but the woman was already in front of me, looking down through the small eyeholes of her mask. Her right arm was Blackened and scorched from where I was able to briefly touch her with the spell.

She shook her head. "No matter. I'll just have to be a bit more strict in your training."

My body involuntarily took a step back. She had no intention of killing me; she just wanted me as some sort of pet.

"What's your name, my dear?" she whispered, looking away as she buried her right arm inside the tree behind her.

"Sorry but I'm taken," I answered, wincing from the pain as I gingerly touched the wound on my neck.

"Not to worry. We'll get acquainted soon enough," she replied, pulling her arm back out of the tree, the wound marked by my spell nowhere on her arm. The tree she'd pulled her arm out from now had a gaping hole in it like someone had branded it with acid.

She took long strides, her scar-marked legs sinking into the ground as if she were wading through water. "Unfortunately, we don't have much time as I have tasks to finish. Any chance that you'd willingly be this beautiful lady's slave?"

I twirled my spear as it flickered with a condensed blue flame. "No way you lanky bitch!" I shot back, I got someone a hundred times better waiting for me.

"Crass and Disobedient." The bony woman clicked her tongue as she shook her head. "It's okay, half the fun is breaking the will of a disobedient slave."

As she finished talking, I could feel the mana shift below me. Immediately, I was blasted back by a gust of wind, just in time to avoid a cluster of murky hands that shot out from the ground. The humanoid arms or mana clawed the air before sinking back into the corroded ground.

The woman tilted her head but I couldn't see her expression through her disturbing mask. I slid my fingers down my burning neck, afraid of what she'd say when I came back to her.

l Could sense that weird magic both Her and the General had, before she could finish, I shot out a bullet of Blue fire that was blocked by a murky wall of mana. "You're just prolonging the inevitable, my dear," she cooed in her high, grating voice that made me want to claw my ears off.

She raised both arms, conjuring more pools of mana on the ground and trees around me, I could sense them as Maeve started darting around the forest through Blades and bullets of Wind, but all were met with her blocking them.

The witch crossed her raised arms, invoking her spell. Dozens of vine-like arms appendages erupted from the ground and shot out from the trunks and branches of nearby trees.

My expression remained calm, her imposing intent no longer affecting me, as the disfigured hands of mana reached for me with their spindly fingers. A small explosion formed below my feet as I dashed toward the slender witch of a woman, ignoring her spell.

I ducked and swayed, dodging the vine-like hands that followed my movement, never breaking my stride as I reached the witch. I was just inches away from reach, yet the woman didn't even flinch, confident in the aura that had dissolved our earlier spells.

"Flashpoint," I whispered, coalescing the spell completely around my body. The murky green hands were blasted away in an explosion of blue as my body hissed from the steam rising off me.

My first instinct was to swing my spear but I was afraid that my spear would end up like the last spell, so I took one last step, just before her feet, and willed the Fire mana to form a lance, the shape was rough but it worked as needed. As my spell collided with her aura, a cloud of steam hissed out, blocking my vision.

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