Ch 68 Regicide (Kinda)

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My eyes stayed fixed on the iron staircase aged with dents and rust, the stone knight, that had Art slung over its shoulder, gently lowered him onto the base of the flight of stairs before crumbling into sand and reconstructing itself into a cape as it fastened itself around Olfred's shoulder.

"We dwarves always carry a bit of dirt with us wherever we go," Olfred winked at me upon noticing my surprised expression.

The door closed behind us, and Varay dissipated the ice cuffs that shackled Arthur together so he could walk on his own and took the lead while Olfred followed closely behind us

After walking for an hour or so Varay spoke "We are here."

A glaring light seeped through the crevice of the wall that had split apart. As my eyes adjusted, I could finally make out what was ahead. A brightly lit corridor with an arched ceiling stretched from where we were to the distant end of the hall.

"Now that we're inside the actual castle itself, it is best not to converse with us or any of the lances," Olfred whispered with an unusual chill to his voice as we entered through the rather crudely-made door

We walked in silence, with only the echoes of our footsteps filling the hall. On either side were doors that didn't match the metallic corridor; there were doors of different colors and material, all quite distinct from one another. The corridor didn't seem to have an end, but luckily, Varay stopped us at a seemingly random door to our left along the way. She knocked on the door without pause until it swung inward, revealing an armored bear of a man.

"My Lords," the guard immediately knelt down with his head bowed.

"Rise," Varay replied cooly. The guard stood back up but did not make eye contact with either of the two lances. Instead, his gaze was fixed on me as he regarded me both curiously and cautiously.

"Tell the Council of our arrival." Olfred waved the guard away impatiently. The armored man took another quick bow and disappeared behind a hidden black door that looked to be a part of the wall.

After a few minutes, the guard came back out and fully opened the door for us, allowing us in. "Lance Zero, Lance Balrog, Lance Phantasm have been given permission to meet the Council, along with the prisoners named Arthur Leywin, And Alexander Shard."

I Turned back and notice Aya who I had completely forgotten was here instead of the dead Bairon, She looked at me with that same seductive look, before I turned back having confirmed what I meant to check.

trailing behind the two lances we passed the guard and stepped through the hidden door, I could immediately sense the change in the atmosphere. We were in a large circular room with a high-rise ceiling that seemed to be made entirely of glass. The room was simply decorated, with only a long, rectangular table at the very back. Six chairs, each seated with one of the members of the Council, were facing the three of us as they looked at me, every one of them with different expressions.

"Your Majesties." Olfred and Varay both bowed towards the Council as the former kings and queens rose from their seats, But To my surprise I Saw a Dwarf I didn't recognize but I assumed he was Rahdeas. Arthur Bowed the same as the lances while I cocked my head back giving Alduin a wave.

"Ignorant! Do you think of yourself on the same level as the Lances? You should take a knee at the very least as a sign of respect," I looked to see Rahdeas speaking in a high and mighty tone.

( A/N I have no fucking idea how Rahdeas looks or how he acts, His wiki page is basically fucking blank and I don't have the patience to read through the novel again looking for minor details.)

"quick question who the fuck are you?" I folded my arms across my chest and raised an eyebrow.

"Insolent brat! I Am Elder Rahdeas of Darv standing In today for the Greysunders" He announced to me in an even tone like he rehearsed this.

"Ahh, so your Elijah's Adoptive father. Also, Alduin who has ownership of the Dwarven Lance's?" I turned to the elven king who was visibly shocked before realizing Virion probably told me of both the artifacts of the Dwarven royal's assassination; which he Hadn't but It was a logical deduction.

"Me and Blaine possess one each for the time being, Why do you ask?" Alduin mused.

"Rahdeas quick question Do you recognize this?" I suppressed my urge to smile as I pulled out Uto's horns.

His reaction turned to shock, his lips quivered and he took a step back trying to compose himself but that was all the confirmation I needed.

My Horns erupted from my temples and the color of my hair drained out leaving it a snow-white, Tempestarii manifested in my hand and reflected Rahdeas's terrified face back at him from the mirror polished blade.

The room was bathed in the glow of countless galaxy's as my stasis weighed down on everyone present, I hadn't stopped time but my pressure on the lances coupled with my stasis locking down their mana from leaving their bodies stopped them from conjuring anything and forcing them to their knees.

"Elder Rahdeas, for the crime of high treason against Dicathen by allaying with Alacrya in this upcoming war and using Darv as a landing zone for their army's. In the name of my god Boreas and for the future Of Dicathen I sentence you to Death." I spoke in a tone more refined and regal than all royalty in this room excluding Arthur combined.

My pressure and bloodlust on Rahdeas had him emitting a foul odor from his nether regions as he saw the ground freeze with each step closer to him.

"Please Stop!! I'll Do Anything!!" He pleaded as with a flick of my wrist his chest bore a red streak of his blood across it.

"Traitors will be executed." said coldly before running him through the heart with my blade dyed a crimson on the other side. As I pulled out my sword and watched his dead body slide down the wall leaving a streak of red on the wall.


The door to the room slammed open, Spinning around I saw the guard posted fall down like a plank of wood with a splat of his blood on the ground.

"My greetings, Former kings and queens." A cold, hoarse voice filled my ears. Turning to get a better look at him I eyed the man closely.

He was elderly, with long, white hair tied tightly into a ponytail, flowing down like a stream of liquid pearl. Yet, despite his age, he stood, poised, with his hands elegantly placed behind his straight back. Both of his eyes were closed, bringing further emphasis on a third, unblinking eye in his forehead that glowed a radiant purple.

"I admire your skills for a lesser being. Your powers could prove useful for the future of this continent, Young Successor of the Storm clan." He spoke evenly.

"Was wondering when you would show up Aldir." I said wiping the blood from my sword.

"I take It Windsom Spoke of me?" He replied coolly.

"No he didn't But I have knowledge of major events in the war to come, So I can provide some aid in that respect later on."

"Lord Indrath will appreciate that wisdom in the future so I'd advise you to not lie." He threatened subtly.

I retracted my stasis aura and in that split second All three Lances present attacked Aldir only for him to Slam their faces to be slammed into the ground with what looked to be a flick of the wrist.

"I'd advise you to not fight him because he is what you would consider a deity," I said flatly as I heard Boreas whisper to let him talk to Aldir.

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