Ch45 First 'Official' Meeting

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As I opened the door to the back entrance of the auditorium, I was met with an unexpected greeting.

My hair was blown back by a bloodcurdling roar as Sylvie had to cling onto Arthur to avoid falling off. Along with the deafening shout of the mana beast that greeted me came bullets of saliva that would have showered the three of us but they fell to the ground as ice before they had the chance.

"Do you want to die?" My voice was Ice cold, the mana beast immediately laid down in submission. I nonchalantly proceeded to pet its face, which I kneeled down to do just for a second. Grawder was by no means a small and nonthreatening mana beast but compared to Zeph's dragon form, I could only see it as a newborn kitten.

Even Sylvie looked at the mana beast with little interest as she just settled back on top of Art's head.

"Woah... he wasn't surprised at all..." From behind the mana beast peeked out a slightly older-looking Feyfey.

"I told you Al wouldn't be surprised, I'm more shocked that he didn't just throw Gawder across the room," Claire said in a casual tone.

"Bah! Another frail-looking pretty boy and Nerd! Why aren't there any more real men in this committee?" Looking around, I found Doradrea walking towards us.

"Hey, Alex." Dordrea gave me a casual wave and walked up to Art and Elijah behind me.

"Looks like we'll be working together, so I might as well introduce myself. I'm Doradrea Oreguard, a first-year, like yerself. Let's get along, ey?" she said simply while firmly smacking Their backs causing them to wince.

"Arthur Leywin. Nice to meet you,"

"Elijah Knight, Likewise," they replied both rubbing their backs, Elijah used a tiny amount of soulfire to ease the soreness, nobody other than me noticed since it wasn't in large enough quantities for someone who doesn't use it to sense.

"Well, come on now! Follow me. The rest of the DC officers are in the other room. Director Goodsky didn't really give us any details so everyone is curious." Doradrea led us through a hall, Feyfey following behind us with the mana beast.

"Everyone! The last three are here!" Doradrea shouted at the top of her lungs as we reached a room at the end of the hall.

Inside the gigantic room that was used to hold events, I saw three other figures.

Without further ado, we walked up closer to greet them all at once.

"My name is Arthur Leywin and I just started attending this academy as a Battlemage student. I am a dual-elemental attribute augmenter capable in wind and earth." Art offered a curt bow.

"I'm Elijah Knight I'm a first-year battle mage as well. I'm an earth conjurer with a single deviancy in metal." Elijah bowed less so than Arthur.

"yer a dwarf?" Doradrea questioned, and to be fair Elijah didn't look like a dwarf at all.

"Half but I look like a human." Elijah clarified quickly.

"Alexander shard, First-year battle mage, conjurer with water and wind elements." I sounded off not even bothering to bow.

"Arthur Leywin and Alexander Shard?" The first voice that spoke up sounded surprised. Looking back up, I saw a boy that appeared to be around seventeen. He had deep, mahogany-colored hair that spiked out, making him look almost like a lion himself. His fierce sword-shaped brows combined with his strong brown eyes produced a striking gaze. It took me a couple of seconds but I soon realized who he was.

"If I remember correctly, you must be Prince Glayder?" Art asked

"Art with those eyebrows is there really a possibility that he isn't?" I reminded in a sarcastic tone.

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