Ch 108 Rude Entrance

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Alexander Shard Pov:

The room was thick a palpable tension, The eyes of half of the Six of us Paladins present glared into my soul with a mixture of relief and anger. The only ones not trying to pierce my skull with their Eyes was Claire and Cecilia who was the unofficial paladin member.

"Haaaa... Al, you can't just barge into our rooms like that." Arthur broke the silence shaking his head rubbing his temples. Tess immediately started avoiding eye contact and Elijah rubbed his neck which had a few red spots from that collar he was wearing.

"Excuse me but how the fuck was I supposed to know." I shrugged, putting my hands up in a placating gesture and raising my eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"Excuse me, you and Claire do it like every night so you could at least expect us to have some fun with our partners in our free time!" Elijah yelled glaring at my soul.

"He isn't wrong, but It was rude to barge in like that," Cecilia started patting Elijah's head as he looked like a child compared to her figure, thank god Zeph wasn't here to hear me think that.

"Cecil I'm not a child!" he yapped but was shut up instantly when she gave him a gentle smile, being able to calm down Elijah after he got his memories as Nico back was practically fucking impossible the few times it happened, so that was pretty fucking impressive.

"How about we just look on the bright side, hm? Al's Awake!" Claire beamed like when we were back in that cafe in Xyrus even though we could go back at any time because I made sure it didn't get destroyed during the attack.

The meeting was a small short one where we just talked about any major developments during my coma as well as Cecilia's progress in purifying her core, her mana core was purified to Silver a day or so after I reincarnated her and she is at light silver after two weeks meditating and training in the Typhon's halls, which were designed to resist most Asura level spells with ease once the shields were charged.

The shocking thing was that she could use storm magic, but wasn't able to use it to its full efficiency because she only knew the basic concept and not the actual method on how to do it.

"Storm magic is my Shtick but this is a war so I'll show you how to do it." I sighed tapping her on her forehead, using my Vritra mana arts I Dove into her memory imparting my knowledge for her to learn from.

"Wait Al since when the hell could you use those without your Wills?" Elijah asked, completely confused much like everyone else in the room.

"After I woke up my body had become a hybrid of sorts, So I can use the magic and properties of my beast wills without actually activating them, but they are a lot less powerful." Soulfire and poison danced around my fingertips as I spoke before fading back into nothing.

Claire seemed to be filled with a renewed devotion to get better at using her fire and the bit of soulfire she could use, She is gonna be a monster when she hits white core and I can't fucking wait.

I peered at her mana core and could see Claire was close to being a white core mage and I could Also Sense Artorias's horn from her dimension ring, compared to when I gave it to her they seemed very close to being fully used up.

"It's rude to stare at a woman's Chest Alexander, even if she is your Fiancee." Cecilia scolded me, looking like my mother.

"There's a difference between being horny and checking someone's Core level," I rolled my eyes as she blushed slightly, hiding her embarrassment pretty well even when we all started laughing at her.

"Well, anyways Al can you check this for corruption?" Arthur tossed a beast core at me which I caught with wind magic out of laziness. Focusing on the mana core I couldn't sense any corruption in it at all but I was able to tell it contained a Siren's beast will.

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