CH 106 Meeting of the Gods

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Boreas Pov:

I stepped through a portal of swirling frost, and a large round table appeared in the center. Hephaestus, the god of craftsmanship and smiths, meticulously made it out of marble. He crafted the room with large marble pillars supporting it.

There was a multitude of art on the roof depicting the stories of the gods, us forming the multiverse and filling it with life, nature, fire, and brimstone.

I took my place, summoning the throne that bore my insignia. Its appearance is the same as the throne I had conjured for the individual I blessed.

I watched as numerous other portals opened and steeping through were other gods. We had been ordered to meet after my sister, Brigid, had told the king of gods, Odin, of the world I had meddled in to aid my Champion, Alexander Shard, as he called himself now.

On the other side, a portal opened, which depicted the hellscape of war, stepped the God of war, Ares. He donned gloriously crafted golden armour that reflected his blond hair and crimson red silken cloths draped over his waist and across the shoulders, accentuating his red eyes and the pelt of a lion he wore as a cape.

He was eight feet tall, and his body could only be considered that of a brute, with well-defined and toned muscles riddled with scars, be it self-inflicted or by one of his scuffles with his children. Although his body wouldn't make you think he was as deft or as swift as he was, only Hermes could outspeed him.

He sat down to my right on a throne made of swords and adorned with the hides of numerous beasts he slew from an infinite number of wars and worlds.

"The ever cold Boreas finally blessing someone after eternity is quite the surprise." Ares' rough voice echoed through the hall as the others looked at him from a distance.

"Be silent, warmonger. I see you slightly had the decency to clean the blood from your armour." The motherly voice of my sister chilled him as she sat next to me. Her throne was a gentle flame that gave off a warm and rejuvenating aura that was oddly comfortable despite the fact I did not like heat.

My sister's appearance was much different from mine. Her features were gentle compared to mine. She looked like a mother that worked with fire because of her soft features, green eyes, and auburn hair,

That matched her domain as the Goddess of Fire. She behaved like the typical gentle and warm mother that the humans had depicted her as after the few times she interacted with them.

Across the table sat Hephaestus atop a throne of unparalleled craftsmanship, intricate designs, engraved metal, and made of the most annoying materials to work with, even for us gods. It was the most beautiful object in all the universes.

His appearance was both refined and eccentric. His fine grey coat had fur and metal armour sown onto it. He designed his clothes to protect him from all the harsh environments he visited to gather his materials.

He refused to use his divinity to protect him on those journeys saying that it would degrade the quality of the material. As crazy as it sounded, I did not voice my opinion, as I could do nothing but take his word for it. He was, after all, the god of craftsmanship.

Hephaestus had dark sunken in silver eyes from the sleepless nights he had crafting his works, be it a weapon, armour, or anything we might need. His hair grey was frizzled and topped with black ash from the fires of hell that he must have visited recently.

"Yes, I suppose I should have cleaned up my appearance more... Tis a shame." He mused while playing with the burned tips of his hair.

Brigid teleported through an ember of fire from Heapestus hair, appearing next to him, "I can help you with that~," she spoke in a gentle tone, quickly removing all evidence of the fact his hair burned in the first place.

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