Ch7 Arthur

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Alexander Shard pov

Art was taken out by his mother to see the streets and such and sat around the house doing as newborn babies do and foul their diapers, and watching his dad cast magic. tossing around a couple of boulders after chanting for a few minutes, At other times through the months, I saw Arthur watching me exercising, And then I saw him trying, and failing to crawl, most likely trying to be able to crawl as fast as he can so he can get into the study. other than that he clumsily swing around the toy sword I got him although for the first 5 months he couldn't even lift the thing.

9 Months After Arthurs Birth

Arthur Leywin Pov

I was a king. I could have my country's army assemble at my feet, kneeling down with the snap of a finger. I've outdueled my competitors from different countries as well as my own people to settle disputes and maintain my position. In terms of swordsmanship and controlling ki, I was second to none, for having personal strength was essential to becoming a ruler in my past world on Earth. Kings weren't born, but raised. Yet, I couldn't think of a prouder moment in my two lives than now.

I can crawl baby!

'Till now, I had to make do with the stories mother would tell me while trying to make me fall asleep. I grumbled out noises of complaint when she stopped too early. My father would sometimes sit me on his lap while idly talking to me about his old days, which gave me some hints as to what kind of world this was and what it was filled with, it was a world of swords, magic and, adventure.

One day mother was out with her friends the twin horns and my father was out working, And the kid a year older than me was out, I had assumed we were brothers but his last name was the same as Hellen, so he is like my cousin I think? Anyways.

Now's the perfect time!

i snuck into the study and started reading through the books, so I could figure out more about this world

(this is just copy pasted of what arthur read in the books in chapter 2 of TBATE's novel chapter 2 so you can skip past it ill mark when its done)

I closed the encyclopedia and situated myself more comfortably on the ground... basically I just laid on my belly because crawling and sitting upright was so damn tiring.

Pondering over what I had just read, this world seemed pretty underdeveloped. From what I could infer, there didn't seem to be much technological advancement. The only source of transportation appeared to be horse-driven carriages, that varied in size for overland use, and ships with sails for rivers.

Weapons were freely allowed and not really regulated unless you were visiting the royal family or people that held authority. For God's sake, it continues to baffle me every time I see people carrying weapons while shopping for groceries.

Sure, in my previous world, Earth, there were soldiers and guards who carried concealed weapons, despite that, they weren't for the purpose of killing, but to deter crimes from happening.

Here, though, I witnessed a thief who stole a couple of items from the armory store the other day get slashed in the back by a large, bald mercenary carrying a polearm. Moreover, the bystanders even went as far as to applaud that oversized monk as the thief laid there dying.

A similarity that both this world and my previous world shared was the system of monarchy. The continent of Dicathen had Kingdoms, each ruled by a king and his royal family. Unlike Earth though, the king was chosen based on lineage; the title passed down from the son of the King, to his son and so on.

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