CH 119 Scythe

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Quick authors note, At the time of writing this chapter 371 was the last released chapter as such I apologize to future readers if I got the anyone magics wrong because I gotta use author bullshit and just say they can use this or that.

Seris Vritra pov:

"It's rather impressive for a relic of a dead species of asura's." Melzri Mused, both of our steps balanced as we strolled through the streets of the floating city Xyrus.

My eyes drifted off the Dicathens around us falling limp and gasping for breath as our presence crushed the air from their lungs, my sight landed on the Floating castle named the Typhon above us.

A massive mountain of an island with numerous towering spires surrounded the Castle at its center mountain peak, Rings of floating castle walls orbited the spire at its core suspended by smaller Floating pillars of rock and earth. Gleaming golden and silver metals lined the walls reinforcing the battle-hardened defences.

The Sheer amount of mana within was nothing short of dread-inducing, Without the knowledge that this was made by the greatest of asuran warlords manny millennia ago, one would think it the dwelling of a god.

Shifting my gaze back at my fellow scythe she hadn't changed one bit in her appearance, Looking the same as she always had: Flawless silvery-gray skin, pure white hair plaited into a tight braid that flowed down her back, and dark lips and eyes that matched the two sets of gleaming onyx horns that erupted from her head and curled sharply back, one pair exactly beneath the other.

"To think The High sovereign would send the both of us," She scoffed before coving her mouth with her hand lowing her voice "To think he sees these mere Mages as a threat worthy of two scythes."

"Melzri, Need I remind you that their leader killed Cadell Single-handedly? not a trace left of his body, just a battle-ravaged cavern left in their wake." my tone was cold as I clicked my nails together, a nervous habit from my childhood that I'd long since cured myself off, or so I thought.

A rush of mana burst from the Typhon, a lone singular woman floated down in front of us, Dusty brown hair flowed from her head draping over her shoulders following the impressive curves of her battle-honed body from the way she carried herself.

A white battle robed adorned her body with sewn-in golden regal patterns, The colours making the golden blond of the roots of her hair shine like an angel.

Her presence was like an ocean of mana in a desert even in this mana-filled city. Her creamy complexion made her look like a princess as her almond-shaped eyes opened.


That was the only word that could describe her gleaming golden eyes As if whatever had filled her mind had been hollowed out and made into a weapon, the only thing those eyes radiated was an instilled bloodlust.

Not one of anger, not one of revenge, nor that of a trained warrior although it was akin to it, her presence was that of a living weapon of war that resembled a trained warrior.

"You must be the Legacy... The high sovereign was greatly angered when he found that you had been taken. Even forced into that body before he could properly welcome you into this world." Melzri spoke Kicking away the hand of a gasping mage as she spoke.

"Needless bloodshed," She scoffed looking down at her hands, her gaze as if they were thick with spilled blood. "in both my lives I've only been used as a tool, just to be some weapon in wars."

"I will not be your weapon, Or that dammed Agrona's tool!" she snapped, the mana shook in the air with a palpable rage before she calmed herself, barriers of mana forming around the civilians, with panicked tears they drew breath and ran fast enough I thought for an instant they had used mana.

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