Ch 74 Core Development

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Even before I was able to open my eyes, the first thing I became aware of was the soft creaking of footsteps on old wood. Echoes of groaning floorboards resounded in my ears my enhanced senses, allowing me to get a vague grasp of the size of the room I was held in as well as the female Asura in the building.

Myre's place huh, I know I didn't break any bones when I used [Deus interfectorem]. The forced muscle contractions weren't as strong as Burst step but they might have fractured my bones pretty badly at most.

Other than my tongue being dry as hell, my body felt fine; or at least, I thought, until I tried moving.

None of my arms and legs would move, I couldn't even feel them.

"Your limbs are fine, Child. I just had to numb them so that you wouldn't be up all night from the pain," a gentle, yet slightly brittle voice stirred my attention.

Turning to the origin of the kind voice, I was met with a tender smile from an aged woman who aged well even though it showed. While wrinkles marked her face, they did take away from her dignified and graceful demeanor. Dressed in a simple gray robe to match her hair tied tightly in the back to come down in a braid, my caretaker approached me with sparkling eyes.

Letting out a sigh of relief at her words. "How do you feel, Child?" she cooed, placing a warm hand on my forehead.

"Like Shit," I replied hoarsely before breaking down into a fit of coughs. The woman promptly got up from her seat beside me and came back with a mug of lukewarm water. After a few deep gulps of what tasted like liquid heaven, I felt confident enough to form cohesive words.

"Thanks, Myre."

"Is this another one of those revelations from your god?" Myre spoke softly brushing my hair out of my face.

As I sat there, a searing pain started creeping up my body, as if a liquid fire had soaked them.

"FUCK!!" I yelled out.

"Seems like the Painkillers are wearing off," Myre spoke placing the mug down on the nightstand beside me, Myre Carefully folded the sheets so that only my limbs were exposed, she gently hovered her hand over my bandaged extremity's.

As Myre began unwrapping the bandages, I was able to finally see the full extent of injuries I had incurred. I couldn't help but grow puzzled by the sight of my bare limbs. Scars that I never had were strewn across me. My joints had the most cuts, but what confused me most was that these scars looked as if they'd been on my legs for years.

Cold sweat began forming on my forehead as the pain got worse. Myre began carefully inspecting every inch of me after completely removing all of the bandages.

After a satisfying nod to herself, she brought over a bucket filled with a very pungent herbal liquid. I wordlessly observed my caretaker as she diligently cut and soaked strips of cloth and bandaged my legs with nimble fingers. I couldn't help but fall into a trance from her rhythmic and dexterous movements.

"How bad is it?" I groaned out between baited breaths.

"You can heal your muscles to a perfect state yourself, your bones weren't broken they were still cracked and a few pieces splintered off they would have made movement agonizing for you so I healed them. But now the weakness you're dealing with is the residual Hydra poison," she spoke, her attention still focused on my limbs.

"how long have I been unconscious for?" I asked, afraid that I'd been out for a long time.

"Just over two nights, My Dear." As she finished replacing the last bandage on my left calf, she turned to me, her misty green eyes studying me. "Now, how does that feel?"

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