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Elijah knight pov:

we touched down on the frost-covered peak of the mountain with the Castle following us in tow a few hundred kilometres behind us, I could feel the mana in the air severely disturbed from whatever the fuck had happened down there.

Just as we started running down into the tunnels We saw Al's soldiers running towards us, their eyes lighting up as a spark of hope ignited in their empty eyes.

"What happened!?" Claire grabbed one of the soldiers by their shoulders shaking him back and forth. His teeth gnashed together as he pointed towards the back of the group of soldiers.

The three of us pushed our ways through the 50 Elite soldiers Al led, Once we neared the back we Saw zephyr with a face crushed In guilt and Worry as he escorted the soldiers out of the tunnels behind them.

"Zeph! Where is Alexander?" Claire's voice sounded desperate with worry before our eyes were drawn to the hundreds of disfigured corpses riding on Floating stretchers of ice atop a small storm that the sight of made Doradrea's severe head look like a children's toy.

"My god..." I whispered in a hushed tone while Claire and Tessia threw up from the Stomach wrenching Sight in front of us, I was only barely able to stop myself from the same action by choking down my emotions.

But two of them stuck out as they were directed at the sides of Zephyr.

One was an elf, whose body had Been sexually abused brutally and had holes cut in her that seemed to only be for the same purpose of sexual abuse. But her face was one any could recognize.


I pulled a tarp from my Ring and covered her body leaving only her face exposed with it, There was no need for Claire and especially Tessia to see such a sight.

"No... This Can't be true... You're a lance, ALEAA!!" Tessia Weapt as she slammed her hands on the platform of ice holding her up.

I placed a hand on her back as I looked at the other Platform The body only had one limb remaining and it looked like it had been used as a pincushion and ripped open.

But The red hair and the Scar across the nose were All it took for a Chill to run up my spine and realize why Alexander had gone off on his own and Why the Castle had been affected by his mental state.

"I-Is that..." Claire's voice trailed off.

"Adam Died in his Arm's But that's not What's the problem we need to Get to him Now!" he spoke the urgency evident as we pulled Tessia off Alea's dead body and ran after him.

We rushed through the tunnels after Zephyr using mana to quicken our pace. "What the Hell happened down there?" Claire Asked once again As we cycled mana through our bodies preparing for a fight.

"Al is fighting a Scythe, He used his Third phase a couple of minutes ago but after that, he lost consciousness." his Horned bond Spoke as I reopened a collapsed tunnel and we kept running through the twisting network of caves.

"WHAT!?" I shouted, All of the Laces were terrifyingly strong and I knew that well that trained me along with their retainers in the different kinds of their magic.

"Who was it? which Scythe is he up against?" I called out as we all quickened our pace, rushing through the piles of jagged rock from Al's mad dash here that cracked the ground.

"Cadell, I know he could hold him off for a while but I'm not sure if he could win without the help of Boreas." He shot back as we reached a busted-down door with a piece of Ice blocking the entrance.

"He used his Hydra's will a lot so augment your lungs and nose, Make sure you avoid any black or green water," I Said sensing the Absurd amount of Soulfire, Poison, and Stasis in the air through the wall.

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