CH 120 The First Front

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A/N Sorry for the late chapter whenever I sat down to write I got dragged away to do something or I was too busy with school, Also I will be going on vacation today so I might be able to post more often for the next week or not at all, we'll see.

Alexander Bladeheart pov:

"Wouldn't it be better if you headed to battle now Al? you aren't the best strategist, no offence," Arthur asked nonchalantly as we entered the war room in the council's castle.

"That you're right about, but I'm not stupid either. Case in point I brought you here with the rest of us instead of sending you out blindly." I answered clearing a space on the table before I even greeted Virion.

Laying out the map and book I received from Seris I laid them on the table spreading the map out. "I'll cut the bullshit Gramps, two Scythes showed up to delay us I killed one of them and the other is now our ally and I have trustable information from her."

"I- I'm not even going to ask. just tell me afterwards." Virion rubbed his forehead before he examined the information, adding the current locations of our armies as well as updating the fleet positions as we were updated.

I pointed out the Alacryans concentrated in the Beast Glades, Teleportation gates near the coast of Elenoir near Asyphin, as well as where they would likely attack remembering their targets from the novel.

"Elijah, get to our warships your the only one that can make replacement parts on the fly as well as defend it if they send a retainer or scythe," I spoke over my shoulder, as I weighed where to send the others, Especially Claire and Tess with the resident princess being the weakest of us.

Flipping through a page in the book I looked back over the teleporter positions. seven in the Glades that haven't been found, four in the northern grand mountains, and 3 In the outskirts of Elenoir.

Three points to reinforce their troops, If they take Elenoir they take the entire half of the content before we could do anything about it... "Arthur, go to the Wall and take command, take your entire unit as well as Elijah's. Use them to mould the mountain to your advantage if they attack." If the wall falls again he should hopefully be there with his father.

"Claire and Tessia get to Elenoir, Take my Frostborns with you. Feyrith is the captain of my unit for a reason he'll help a lot." My unit remembers where the traps are as well as being used to the disorientation the forest causes from their training.

"What about me?" Cecilia asked from behind, she shifted slightly nervously but still held herself confidently. I don't blame her for being nervous, For all I know I'm sending all of them and their units to their deaths. But this is war and casualties are expected so I will do what I can using my knowledge and own hands.

"Calm down and take a deep breath, you need to think clearly. Emotions lead to poor decisions and more death in war." I followed my own advice as I turned to Virion, "She's rough around the edges but can hold her own against anything short of a retainer. I'll leave where you send her to you."

"Sending her out wouldn't be the best Idea due to how valuable she is, But this isn't the time to be holding back. Alexander, they have made landfall in the northern areas of Sapin including Ashbern." Virion answered, He looked tired but not as much as the novel said he did, looks like I'm making it easier for him.

"Got it, I'll bring zephyr. Do I have backup in case they have already gotten too far away?" I withdrew a sheathed tempestarii from my dimension ring preparing to teleport right into enemy lines.

"I've moved troops to delay them till Vanesy arrives as backup for them but it's going to take time." He answered as I spun on my heel, turned and followed the others out of the room.

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