Ch 129 The Storm king

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Bahamut Tempest Pov

Mana surged through my every pore, rejuvenating my mana-starved body. Bending to my will the mana stopped draining from me as if a floodgate closed. Chains snapped and shackles sheared away as I rose to my feet.

"Bahamut's Escaping!" The mana-enhanced shouts of the guards panicked. The voices reverberated like a shockwave, losing caked dust from my hair and stonewall alike.

The cavern darkened. A cyclone of churning black wind swirled malevolently raining down a shower of black spikes, and soulfire burst from the cloud like javelins.

Storm mana and Aether amassed in my hand before purple bolts exploded outward like a cascade of thunder. The aetheric bolts burst on impact, expanding space at their epicentre pushing the rain of javelins away.

The prison trembled as the black spikes slammed into the walls, some punched into the walls or drilling through the barriers above. Boulders and stalagmites fell from the walls, and bridges crossing the area above me while flakes of the shattered shields rained down like scattered papers.

Drawing Aether to the wound Agrona left on me I watched as It faded away in a blaze of violet flames, burning away every last trace of the cursed wound.

Guards strung dozens of bridges crisscrossing the chasm I was isolated in the middle of, relishing in awe-stricken gazes learning down at me I focused on the Vritra at the forefront of the rest. the one who had insulted my clansmen throughout my imprisonment.

"You should have killed me while you had the chance. For insulting my kin I will slaughter you like I did the djinn," My voice boomed, as Aether clung to me like a second skin.

Dispersing into aetheric lighting I crossed the distance in a flash and reappeared before him. Hammering my fist into his nose, his head snapped back blood trailing from his nose. Planting my foot between his own my hand thrust like a spear, storm mana surged like a monsoon ripping open his chest.

Only the shattered remains of his mana core remained in the hole through his chest as he fell dead on the ground. Looking to either side of me Vritra lined up by the dozens ready to attack. With an angry scream, they rushed towards me, weapons and spellfire hungrily reaching for my throat.

Ashen winds rolled over my body surrounding me in storms, I turned to the right exploding off my back foot. I was on him instantly, spinning on my heel my fist slammed into the guard's shield. Shards of blood and iron scattered away like broken glass shattered from the blow.

He flew backwards, smashing through the guardrail of the bridge. Hearing the armour-clad approach of the next Vritra I flashed to the left dodging his axe, cracks splintered out from the strike like a spiderweb.

My palm slammed into his elbow, shattering bones and sending him reeling in agony. reaching overhead layer upon layer of ice gathered into a greatsword, Bringing it down to finish him. Black spikes shot up to block my slash, I knew it would shatter my blade leaving me open to a counterattack.

Twisting my body I threw my blade towards the Vritra on my right, decapitating him. turning back Soulfire boiled out of me, engulfing the axe wielder in flames leaving nothing left of him.

The hair on my neck stood on end, I spun around, three of them snapped forward at me in their true forms. Reaching out I grabbed the middle snake's fangs stopping him in his tracks, then ripped his fangs out.

Reeling back in pain, poisoned venom spewed forward at me, flicking my wrist gales of wind threw it back blinding all three of them; Thrusting a fist forward spikes of Ice shot, punching through their barriers crucifying them to the earthen walls.

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