CH 82 Pandora's Cavern ||

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3rd person pov

"Dire wolves, Just like that last dungeon before the war." Adam's voice was reminiscent as his spear was coated in high-pressure water.

"Adam you're a water attribute??" Claire stated the fact of his newfound strength.

"He's been one for two years since he got to the yellow stage," Helen spoke up a boom sounded after as her arrow broke the sound barrier pricing 3 of the B class Dire wolves clean through and mounting the 4th to the stone wall behind it.

The mages 156 mages rushed the swarm of Dire wolves that outnumbered them 7 to 1, Swords thrusting and busting with mana, The mage's reactions faster than any normal human as they tore through the swarm of mana beasts.

Adams water augmented spear piercing through the hides of the Wolves like a pressurized water cutter as it bored through stone, his spear flashed with a fluid swipe as he beheaded another one and moved to the next.

Jasmine's daggers blurred through the air as she slit the throats of the mana beasts approaching her, from her blind spot a wolf lunged at her only to be killed by Angela's wind blade.

Curtis and Grawder rushed to the front lines covering the soldier's flanks with swipes of their claws and flaming swords respectively. their large stature becoming a rallying flag amongst the battlefield resembled the chaotic nature of guerrilla warfare, as the once serene cave filled with fauna and emrald green water and refracting light become covered in soot and dyed with blood.

Durden's earth-clad limbs shattered bones with their heavy impacts as he put his hulking body to use protecting his allied soldiers, forming walls of stone to herding them away from the wounded and spiked to take other wolves out. His gravity magic slowed the wolves down as the others cleared a path.

The newly officiated lance Vanesy's twin greatswords swirled with blue flames and crystalline sand. each swing launching spines of glass that exploded on contact, the shrapnel tore through their pelts leaving only corpses in their wake as she made sure to leave enough for the others to gain the needed experience. Her bond Torch pulling the wounded out of the way and its flaming claws scorching the beasts as it threw them to the sky only for Durden to impale them on their way down.

Theodore rushed into the fray with his gauntlets and his armoured boots as he used gravity magic and his larger than average frame to grind the beast's bones to dust and use other beasts' dead bodies as flails and ranged weapons to take out the others.

Tess's Vines binding the wolves in place as her wind magic clad swordsmanship had her becoming a bonified sword dancer, her wooden sword doubling as a wand glowed with wind magic as she pierced and severed the 6-foot tall wolves limbs and blasted them back.

Feyriths and Kathlyn cast spells together, their influence over water gave wake to 5 sea serpents that rose out of the depths of the nearby streams and creeks. their teeth becoming razor-sharp spines of ice and their bodies armoured in jagged ice from kathlyn's ice; they lunged forth tearing through the swarms of beasts becoming dyed red with the stench of blood and iron they spewed from the wolves. they tossed them up to the sky their fates sealed to be shot by Helen's steel arrows or became food for Torch in their weakened states.

Claire pulled soldiers back to their feet, their smaller cuts and bruises engulfed in golden liquid flames before they fizzled and sealed up from being in her proximity.

She spoke the words "Phoenix grace" As their flames spread to those wounded nearby as they rejuvenated them enough to stand and fight, The soldiers looked at her like an angel had descended as they looks at her red and golden hair resembling the flames of a phoenix and her eyes slightly tinged red.

Claire rushed into the fray, her rapier launching bullets of electrified wind as she thrust forth her rapier, the arcs of lightning stunning them as she mowed them down along with her allies.

The Twin horns, Most of the Xyrus DC officers, and the lance Vanessy code-named Shatterhawk all mowed down the monsters and her unit of mages assisted, within the half-hour the cavern had been dyed red with mana beast blood.

The soldiers had been left low on mana as they all panted for breath and steadied themselves from the aftermath of the firefight. The only ones not exhausted are the Twin horns, Claire, and Vanesy.

"How the hell are you guys still sanding?" Theodore wheezed pushed himself off the pile of mana beasts the soldiers had been throwing out of the way to have room to fight in case of an ambush.

"Al trained me to fight for extended periods without rest," Claire said with a reminiscent tone.

"He warned us as well to train for the same, we didn't think it would be this useful but it is so we're happy with that," Hellen spoke as she tended to a campfire that Claire lit up using magic.

Durden, Theo, and the other earth mages collectively sealed off the area outside our camp with earth walls with gated doors made of stone built into them, Glory sent out a few of her soldiers to scout ahead after camp had been established.

Claire Bladeheart Pov:

A few of the other Soldiers that passed by had very clearly been staring at Angela's breasts among other parts.

I looked down at my breasts. I had never really cared about my figure, but looking at the other soldiers, and even Theo and Curtis practically drooling over Angela's womanly figure, I couldn't help but wonder if even Al preferred... No no no What am I saying?! he already saw them that one time... Gah What AM I Saying!! get ahold of yourself, Claire! your not some-

"Well, that was a fight" Helen's voice snapped me back to reality, I quickly shook my head as I recollected my thoughts.

Angela just giggled, regarding the soldiers and two members of our party as cute puppies, as Kathlyn smacked Curtis upside the head. before telling him that staring was rude, Curtis thought he wasn't noticed bit everyone noticed.

The rich aroma of herbs and herbs, spices, and a savoury amount of meat drew everyone to the simmering pot of beef stew angela was tending. Everyone nearby including the soldiers from other tents came to ours from the mouth-watering smell of Angela of the Twin Horns Adventuring party signature Beef stew, This stew is known to everyone in the Xyrus Adventurers guild was the very same one that Alice Leywin based her recipe on.

"My my, It looks like the others here want some as well, Durden If you don't mind~" Angela's smooth and comforting voice sent a shiver up the men's backs as they went to work setting up dozens of more campfires to make enough to feed the whole group of Solders.


A/N I Was tempted to Write the recipe in but If you want it then join the Discord already

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