Ch 112 Calm Before the Storm

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3'rd person Pov:

The meeting hall boomed with cheers and upbeat melodies from musicians mage or not, The Bride and Groom Stood on the stage under arches of ice wreathed in vines that bore crystalline flowers that twinkled under the starlight of Stasis radiating from the Chandeliers of equal beauty.

As their lips met, a symphony of cheers could be heard booming around them echoing in the leviathan-sized Hall. standing at the front of the swarm were The Twin horns, Troyard and Kaspian Bladeheart, and the Leywin's, with The other Paladin's, stood next to them.

Elder Rinia and the Eralith's, as well as the Helstea's, were situated next to them, the Lance's stood tall with all of them cheering for the young couple, The former Xyrus disciplinary committee and the Glayders joined in the wall of sound as well.

All bore smiles including the brotherhoods of mages that fought next to their paladin leader; The only people not smiling happily for the newly wedded were Blaine Glayder and Helsteas's, Blaine's face was barely hiding the disappointment for not having control over him. As for Helstea's they were worried about their daughter but couldn't bring it up at this moment. They knew Al probably didn't know about it since he was in a coma.

Alexander's face was soft and filled with joy brimming ear to ear as he spoke up "I'd Like to Thank all of you, except your greedy ass Blaine." he smirked at the human king as all could see the steam billowing out his ears, "For attending my wedding. Well you didn't have a choice to not attend, but thank you all!" he singled out the former human king while his smile went from a joyous one to a shit-eating grin and back for a split second.

As everyone began laughing at the human king for being the only person present for the sole reason of being the laughing stock, a monstrous shrill scream tore out in the halls, echoing through the meeting hall turned wedding hall.

A thunderous boom rang out as everyone turned from the wedding to see a massive tentacle burst through the door, looking through the door was standing a swarm of mages standing atop the dead mana beast. among them was a tall elf, golden hair splattered red in places as he ripped out a black steel axe from the massive mana beast.

"Huh? wasn't I in the middle of the ocean?" he spoke aloud as he turned back to the crowd, his shoulder-length hair flipping as he looked at the crowd revealing his pretty face which bore a thin scar on his cheek.

"Oh Shit, FEYFEY!" Alexander whooped, making Arthur start cackling out loud as he held his sides, and Elijah wheezing on the floor while Cecilia struggled to maintain her composure and Tessia looked mortified. Claire looked back at the massive dead squid, Feyrith, and then her husband.

"haaa~ why am I not surprised your men could kill a Kraken..." she sighed, chuckling under her breath.

"PFFFT-!!" Alexander chortled as he levitated the fallen limb back into the hall. "Feyfey, I've had it before but Kraken meat is really tasty so feel free to help yourself or us to it if you want." he waved him off as the young elf washed the bloodstains off himself with water as he ran into the hall.

"well, I see you brats have been busy. as for you Arthur, it seems I'll have to beat you with a cactus after all." Virion spoke, eyeing a particular spot on Arthurs's neck, the paladin immediately covered the side of his neck quickly while looking at his bond sitting on the aged elf's head.

"Kyu~~" she snickered with a sly grin as Arthur realized there was no mark there after all, and he had just outed himself.

"It seems you finally grew a pair Brat! or should I say, grandson?" Virion laughed, while most of the mages in their units started exchanging handfuls of silver coins with each other.

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