CH 95 Cadell

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The Overwhelming sense of superiority engulfed me as spines of ice Bore their way out of my Elbows and my Runes spread over my Scaled arms. I could feel the cool breeze I emitted on my horns that in reality Would flash freeze any water nearby me if I wished it to.

Cadell's brow twitched ever so slightly as I felt his gaze land on my onyx black horns, the World turned monochrome As specs of blue, green, purple, red, the dark red of soulfire, and the black of shadow magic.

'Dad What's wrong?!' Zephyr shouted in my mind as I traced my eyes all over Cadell looking at every minute detail of his stance to find when he would attack.

'Cadell the Scythe is here, Get our men out of here and make your way to me if possible, I'll need the help.' I replied through our bond as I got into the form for the dual-wielding variant of the Blade storm style.

'Shit! I'll be there soon just don't die on me.' I could feel his worry and panic drip over to me.

"Those horns are unbecoming of a mere lesser." Cadell's voice echoed from my side having disappeared from my sight, Looking towards him I saw his hands reaching towards my horns.

I ducked slashing Balmung with inhuman speed and precision using the physical prowess Storm Soul gave me access to. He shifted slightly, dodging the elemental energy released from my blade with inhuman speed and precision. The cavern rumbled as its stone walls cracked and splintered from the spell impacting the wall.

But he Didn't come out unscathed, a thin Red line of Blood leaked from his shoulder where the crescent of Ice and Lightning hit him. but that was for nothing as the wound fizzled away from the Soulfire that engulfed the wound.

"Impressive. For a lesser that is." his voice was leisurely as he looked to be ever so slightly impressed with my speed.

"I'm not exactly in the best shape so I won't be dragging this on." I shot back as I willed storm magic to form in my core with Sound, water, and ice attributes. The spell quickly formed an instant later as I dodged a pillar of soulfire jetting from the ground beneath me.

My Frost domain exploded out of my body blanketing the area in a white frozen mist as my body became but a shade in the mist. I activated Phantoms shroud on myself and Attacked the Scythes nervous system with a barrage of sound magic blasts.

His body buckled from the sudden paralysis that my spell inflicted, making use of the opportunity I closed the gap between us in a perfectly refined step as I swung both my blades coated in compressed gales of crimson Storms.

Tempestarii Cleaved his chestplate open making way for Balmung's Blast of Crimson lighting as strong as Arthurs Black Lightning to shoot into the open gap.

The Spell Exploded inside his armour sending him back a dozen feet as I vanished back into the frozen mist of rushing snowflakes that obscured his sight of me.

The scythe's look of indifference turned sour as he grunted in pain, his eyes lost all trace of leisure. He clasped his chest which soon burst out blood that leaked out of his Armour.

I could feel the drain from the attack as my body felt heavier, I need to kill him as Fast As I can.

Tendrils of Storm mana coiled around me, their intensity mirroring my emotions. The ground underneath me crumbled from the pressure as I swung once more. A teal arc flashed as I swung at breakneck speed.

My opponent sidestepped the teal arc of Ice and wind as The wound on his chest smouldered in flames before closing the wound as if it didn't happen.

continuing to attack him using not just my swords but every natural element I had in my arsenal. I launched blades of wind, arcs of lightning, blasts of sounds, only for them to heal over or be blocked by Cadell's Soulfire coated fist and feet.

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