Ch 81 Pandora's Cavern

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Claire Bladeheart pov:

Stepping onto the makeshift stage that Lance Glory was giving a speech on we looked around, we were in the center of a large military camp in the beast glades, we were outside the dungeon Pandora's Cavern that she had been tasked to clear with her soldiers and Us as special reinforcements from the commander after I vouched for their skills.

In front of me was General Vanesy giving a speech to her troops, To my right was Tessia and behind us was Theodore, Feyrith, Kathlyn, and Curtis.

"Listen Up men!" Vanesy's voice boomed over the Three battalions of mages numbering 146 strong all of which were solid orange at the lowest and hand trained by her.

"Iv picked up some new troops from the council, But res assured They are no newbies when it comes to dungeon diving and magic combat! After all these six Mages were part of the disciplinary committee from Xyrus academy along with the elven princess!" her voice boomed with the charisma, confidence, and power of a natural-born leader, this was something I had never heard from her that likely stemmed from the year of fighting side by side with these soldiers and her time as an Adventurer.

The crowd was filled with murmurs and whispers as they slightly talked among themselves until a firm clack of Glorys boot had them standing needle straight lined up perfectly. "That's right they Were close friends of the Avenger, The White Death, And Even the Frosthorned Demon as everyone else calls him. Personally, I called him a collogue during my time at Xyrus as a teacher." As she spoke I could hear a collective sigh from the soldiers, likely from us being experienced enough to call him a friend in their eyes.

"But I should Warn you, Tessia Eralith and Claire Bladeheart here are not to be touched by any of you, the reason being that the 'White death' and the Frosthorned demon' killed a lance and tortured a man brutally before sacrificing him to a demon respectively, was because they were hurt by the attackers." the men stiffened back up yet again. "And I don't think that they would let you live if they found out about it. Just look at the wykes house, Oh wait they don't exist anymore!" Glory chuckled as the men took a step back perfectly in sync with one another while sweating profusely.


We are currently walking through the dungeons passages, the Dungeon was a massive underground complex of Caverns and maze-like tunnels, some of its tunnels being large enough to fit towering mana beasts and others barely large enough to be called crawlspaces.

The rivers running through the Dungeon make it fit for long exploration trips and sustaining large amounts of troops, But this dungeon was infamous for two things being that every time in the last 5 times its been attempted to be mapped there have been new tunnels appearing and a large variety of mana beasts seem to be drawn to this place.

These facts would have just been weird before the war but now it's suspected of housing an S class mutated mana beast at the least and to be a staging ground for Alacryan troops, Due to the Glades having a massive line of Forts known as the Wall under construction at the moment along with Alacryan assaults' at other points throughout the Glades, making us all that's available.

Our orders are to clear it if possible but to extract out and hold for reinforcements till help arrives. and Vanesy's reason for being sent here was her elite group of former adventurers and soldiers all of which are either A ranked or solid Orange and trained by her.

As we walked through the tunnels looking at the hanging stalactites above that had Vines strung between them and on the walls we traveled in our own small group, Tessia preferring to stay on the far edge of the group from the rest of the male soldiers, I kept my hand on the handle of my rapier sheathed at my side due to Alexander pounding into my head that anything can go wrong in a dungeon and he had a point so I headed his warnings from the past.

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