Ch 130 Remains

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Zephyr pov:


That was the only thing I felt, but it wasn't mine. I felt the sorrow, disbelief, anger, and emptiness that was my own, But my anger was overshadowed dozens of times by Alexander's. When our bond was so weak over the distance his rage remained like a disease.

His presence swelled like a suffocating blanket over my senses,  more akin to boreas than himself. Then it was gone, his rage, his presence. His conciseness was gone.

I gulped in the air like a fish out of water, my shuddering breath grew more stable the instant his emotions stopped drowning out my own. I heard my mom gasp for air the same as me the instant his emotions faded away.

"Please don't tell me-!, Zephyr is he... Is Alexander Ok!?" She shook my shoulders with tears in her eyes. The concern dripped from her eyes as heavily as her tears as she bit her lip.

"He's still alive, just unconscious. He'll be ok. Boreas will keep him safe."

Her grey-blue eyes softened in relief, deflating like a balloon as she leaned on me. "I know how scary it is to feel his mind slip away when he falls unconscious. But he's still alive." My words offered what little semblance of comfort they could have. After all, we both knew that he couldn't protect himself at the moment.

"I'll bring him back," Elijah answered, reaching for the Typhon's medallion with a trembling hand, his hollow crimson eyes gazed distantly at the token. Cecilia grabbed his wrist stopping him as the portal started sparking to life.

"Don't, Please don't go. I- no we just lost Arthur, I don't want to risk losing you." tears fell from her eyes onto her boots, her brown hair covering her eyes.

His mouth opened to reply but no words came. Gnashing his teeth together his jaw muscles tensed as his hand fell to the side returning the medallion to his dimension ring. "Fine, I'll stay here." He seethed with a dark aura surrounding him.

The once hell-turned battlefield fell silent except for the choked sobs of those mourning the dead. Slowly standing up my feet sank in the blood-soaked mud as if I was made of lead. Each step took more and more energy out of me as I tread through the field.

Claire leaned against me as we walked over to Eleanor as she was on her knees next to Alice and Reynolds. Her eyes were glazed over, bloodshot, and had heavy bags under them. But she didn't cry, there were only stifled shuddering breaths with no tears left to cry.

A blunted and cracked Dawns Balad rested in her hands, it's pointless blade stained red and black with blood and soot alike. Her knuckles were white with a death grip on the handle so tight her hands bled.

Boo limped to her gingerly laying behind her the bear nudged her to lay on him. She didn't budge. The guardian bear wrapped himself around her as if to shield her from the world and all the pain it brought her.

When we tried to get closer Boo snarled at us, showing his teeth as his fur stood on end. Raising my hands in a placating manner he slowly calmed down as we sat down next to them. Golden phoenix fire flowed from Claire's hands gently fizzling away the cuts and burns on the two of them as they remained silent.

Rubble crashed in the distance as rocks, wood, and metal were thrown astray. Emerging covered in wounds emerged the Twin Horns, Durden's gravity magic spilled out of him making the party lighter as they barely managed the strength to walk towards us.

Tears flowed down Angela's face as she held onto Alice and Reynolds's bodies, Jasmine sniffled as she held a shard of Dawns Ballad's shattered blade. "You should have lived instead." her voice was a whisper.

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