Ch 116 Jailbreak

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Sullivan Snowcrest Pov:

My hands slipped from the mana suppressing cuffs the instant the Alacryan pushed down the young girl, Feeling the mana from my core spread through my body I instantly remembered all the training the general put me through.

My boiling blood froze in my veins as Ice mana spread through my body, melding with every fibre of my being and mixing with the atmospheric mana I felt my body disperse into flakes of snow.

The melding of my family's spell that allowed us to become one with the snow we controlled and the mana art Mirrage walk that Alexander Shard taught us phantoms, resulted in the creation of numerous spells for stealth.

But among them, I was the one that came the closest to the level of the General's Phantom's Shroud spell.

"Frost Walk." the name of the spell fell from my lips like liquid fire as I became a wraith in the snow. My body slipped through the bars of the cell as my body collapsed from the cloud of frost behind the Alacryan pig.

Gathering the ice mana to my palm I formed a blade of ice condensing its form into the shape of my dagger it fell perfectly into my grip. Swinging my hand down the blade slipped through his skin, For an instant, I feared the blade wouldn't pierce his heart and get lodged in his fat.

his body fell limp as he crumpled to the ground, the blood trailing from the would like a stream of water flowing from a crack in a mountain.

I held my hand out to the girl, her hazel eyes reminded me of a kitten and the brown hair, her Brown hair was frizzled from her fighting back where ever she could. "Sulivan Snowcrest, 3rd in command of the Frostborn Mages serving Paladin Alexander Shard." I introduced myself as she took my hand.

Tears formed in her eyes that shone under the torchlight as I helped her to her feet. she was bruised and battered in some spots but was in one piece.

"y-you're with Al's unit?" she stammered out wiping the tears from her eyes as she calmed herself. she introduced herself as Lilia Helstea, the only mage in the Helstea family that ran the auction house in xyrus I had attended a few times before in my youth with my family.

"Indeed I am, and it seems you know the general but this is no place to discuss this matter," I replied turning back to the others, Jacob and Mickey Cutter had melted the lock on their cell with fire; Veronica shattered the lock with sound magic, and Dylan was let out by Jacob.

"I guess it's time for our escape!" Micky cheered stretching out his shoulders.

"be quiet you idiot!" Jacob snapped punching his brother in the back of the head, which promptly earned a punch squarely in his jaw.

Dylan and my eyes locked his dark brown eyes looked like a void in the dim light but our disappointed glances were evident, Dylan pulled the two apart with his strong build and impressive stature, I noticed his arms and part of his exposed chest had tattoos covering them as he got between them.

"You two that's enough, save it for when we get out of here. For now, you two go scout and find our gear they took, we need our weapons back, Veronica protect the girl, Dylan you're with me." I spoke conjuring swords of ice for the brothers to use.

Without a word, the Cutter brother's laid-back demeanour vanished replaced by the hardened and cold atmospheres that all Frostborns adapted to survive our training. They grabbed the swords of Ice I conjured swinging them a few times adapting to their weight before they hid their presence as they rushed through the prison halls.

Veronica cupped Lilia's face in her hands giving her a comforting smile before speaking in a warm voice. "Don't you worry your pretty little head honey... we'll protect you~." Lilia's face brightened as she nodded, I could see some of the worries wash off her face.

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