42. Safe Haven

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Chris received a call from Michelle, the social worker they worked with to foster and adopt Bella.

"Hey, Michelle. How are you?" Chris greeted into the phone.

"I'm good, Chris. Listen, I was wondering if I could stop by and talk to you and Jim today," Michelle replied, tentatively.

"Sure. Is everything okay?" Chris asked, cautiously.

"Yeah. There's just something I want to talk to you guys about," the social worker answered plainly.

"Okay. Well, we'll see you later then," the captain said.

"See you then," Michelle replied before ending the call.

Chris rose from her desk to search for Street. She found him on a bike working out.

"Street," she called as she approached.

"Captain," he replied simply.

She gave him a tight lipped grimace, which made him stop cycling.

"This isn't work related, is it?" He asked quietly.

She shook her head in reply.

"You're kinda freaking me out here. What's going on?" He urged.

"Michelle called. She's coming by later to talk to us," Chris answered nervously.

"Michelle? Social worker Michelle? Is this about Bella?" He inquired urgently.

"She didn't say, but we can't assume the worst. Besides, we've adopted Bella now. It's not like anyone can take her from us," she responded, answering the question she knew Street was too nervous to actually ask.

"Okay, so it can't be that bad. Let me know when she gets here," he said, relieved.

"Yeah," she replied and turned on her heel to go back to her office.


Michelle knocked on Chris' office doorframe, since the door was open.

"Chris! Good to see you!" Michelle said.

Chris stood up and said, "Yes, good to see you, too, Michelle."

"Where's Jim?" She asked.

"He's actually finishing up with an interrogation. I'll text him to let him know you're here," the captain answered and began to type on her phone.

The social worker settled into a chair across from Chris' desk and saw the pictures on her desk. To avoid waiting awkwardly, she decided to point them out, "Those are some sweet photos you have."

Chris picked up both frames as she sat down. "This is from the twins' first birthday party. They're already two," she shared and handed the frame to Michelle.

"Time sure flies," the social worker replied.

Chris scoffed. "Yeah. This other picture is from when Street and I first started dating. Talk about how time flies," Chris reminisced looking at the candid picture of her and Street at some family barbecue. The photo was taken by her cousin, and she remembered that she loved it so much that she wanted it in her office.

"Really? It looks like it could have been taken last week!" Michelle answered in disbelief.

Chris chuckled at the complement.

"Hi, Michelle," Street said from the doorway.

"Jim. Thanks for joining us," Michelle replied.

"Did I miss anything?" He asked, looking to his wife.

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