37. Career Day

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"Bella, we gotta go," Chris called from the kitchen.

"Daddy did my hair! Look!" Bella said as she came down the stairs. Then, she turned around to show Chris the braid.

"Wow! He did a really good job!" Chris mused.

"I mean, I think I've mastered the French braid, babe," Street bragged as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Humble. Real humble," Chris chided.

Street snickered and went to the counter to grab Bella's lunchbox. "You need your lunch, and don't forget your backpack," Street reminded.

"Sorry I'm late," Aunt Helena called as she walked into the house.

"Morning, abuela! Look at my hair! Daddy did it!" Bella greeted brightly.

"Morning, pequeña! Ay, your papa has really improved. When your mama was younger, your abuelo couldn't do anything with her hair!" Helena recalled with a laugh.

"Thankfully, I had scrunchies," Chris replied.

"Okay, vamonos!" Street urged.

"Vamonos!" Bella called and walked towards the door.

"We might be home early depending on how career day goes," Chris said to her aunt.

"Come whenever you want. I don't mind," Helena replied.

"Thank you, tia. Bye!" Chris waved and shut the front door behind her.


Chris and Street arrived to Bella's school. They got into her classroom and stood at the back with a few other parents. No other parent had brought a cool prop like Street, who insisted on bringing a riot shield.

"Now it's time for Bella's parents to tell us about their job as SWAT police officers," the teacher announced.

Chris and Street walked to the front of the class.

"Hi, everyone. We're Bella's parents, and like your teacher said, we're SWAT officers," Chris introduced.

"We're not normal police officers. We're cooler police officers. We go into the most dangerous situations every single day and help people. We also get the coolest toys, like this," Street added and held up the riot shield.

Chris opened her mouth to speak when she heard a rushing sound. She looked to Street and they both looked into the hallway to see water on the floor. Then, they heard a crack and water started pouring into the classroom from the ceiling.

"Okay, everybody we gotta get out of here!" Chris directed jumping into captain mode. She started pointing to the exit as parents and students started leaving the room.

"Come on, Bella, let's go," Street coaxed and Bella ran to his side.

The hallway was filling with water as everyone was running towards the exits, but the water wouldn't stop coming.

Street scooped Bella into his arms, and he ran with Chris towards the exit. Once they were safely outside, Street placed Bella down next to her teacher and said, "Stay with your teacher."

"Where are you going?" Bella asked desperately.

"We're gonna make sure everyone is safe. We'll be right back," Chris promised and started running. Street ran right beside her.

"Mommy! Daddy! Come back!" Bella pleaded as she watched them re-enter the building.

The water got so high, they had to wade through it.

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