10. A Sketchy Case

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*I cried writing this. You've been warned...also Picturing Andrea (@reebkat) level drawing skills*

Detective Burrows walked into Chris' office.

"Hey, Chris," Burrows said greeting her.

"Burrows! How can I help you?"

"You know that I like to keep my ear to the ground about all sorts of things, and I just recently picked up some chatter about a new cell of Imperial Dukes that popped up."

"Imperial Dukes? What kind of chatter?" Chris asked trying to school her emotions. The Imperial Dukes hit close to home for her- they were the group that killed one of her friends and fellow officer, Erika Rogers.

"Real old school group that don't communicate on social media, so I haven't been able to intercept anything concrete about their plans, but I know that they robbed the One Niners gun collection. I've got a CI that's the girlfriend of a One Niner lieutenant, and she hears everything including that the gang found out it was the Imperial Dukes," Burrows explained.

"So a bunch of dangerous and radical racists robbed the deadly weapons from a gang? If we don't find the Imperial Dukes and foil their plan fast, they could end up hurting a lot of innocent people and maybe even get into an all out war with one of the most vicious gangs in LA," Chris replied.

"I know. That's why I wanted to bring it you. I figured you and SWAT would want to take the case."

"I'll talk to Hicks. Can you bring your CI in?" Chris asked.

"Sure, but...you'll see when you meet her," Burrows replied.

Chris strode out of her office to find Hicks.


Burrows waved down Chris from eagle's nest. Chris walked over to him with her arms crossed.

"Is she here?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, Marta is in your office," Burrows replied.

Chris started walking towards her office.

"Chris, before you meet her, you should know that she can't talk," Burrows explained.

Chris turned around and gave him a confused look.

"She can't speak. That's why her boyfriend, Felix, is with her. He thinks she can't talk to the cops, since she can't talk. But after Felix ordered the murder of her brother and there wasn't enough evidence to convict Felix of the crime, she decided to turn into a CI," Burrows disclosed.

"Her boyfriend is a murderer and you still haven't found a way to get him behind bars?" Chris asked angrily.

"Felix Delgado is a careful One Niner lieutenant that never gets his hands dirty. Marta's been trying," Burrows answered.

"Well, I'm gonna do everything I can to shut down these Imperial Dukes and get this Felix character off the streets for good," Chris guaranteed before strutting to her office.

Chris walked into her office to find Marta sitting at one of the chairs facing her desk. She held a pad of paper tight to her chest as she looked around the space soaking it all in.

"Hey, Marta. I'm Chris," Chris said warmly.

Marta waved back.

"Detective Burrows says you could help us learn more about what was stolen from Felix's gang," Chris pressed.

Marta nodded her head and pulled out a few pieces of paper that revealed detailed drawings of different kinds of weapons and numbers next to them. Then, she signed and Burrows translated the sign language.

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