8. Armory Date

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Powell was in the armory. Street saw her in there and looked concerned. He felt someone lightly grab his forearm- he didn't have to look to know it was Chris.

"Why don't you talk to her?" Chris asked.

"What would I say? She was a loose canon this morning, and she's got a bad attitude. I'm surprised that her only punishment is armory duty for a week. She's gonna get herself kicked out," Street replied.

"And you got kicked out and worked your way to get back. Maybe hearing what helped you learn how to be a team player will help her," Chris proposed.

"I mean, I don't think it'll work."

"She's not a lost cause, Street."

"I know. It's just that a big reason I'm here is because of you. I can't exactly tell her that I finally listened to the girl I'm in love with to shape up."

Chris' lips formed a soft smile. "Fine. Ask her why she's being self-sabotaging then. She might open up to you."

"Why don't you try talking to her?" Street asked.

"She sees me as an authority figure. She won't listen to me," Chris explained.

"I'll give it a shot...for you," Street said and lightly squeezed her forearm before walking into the armory.


Chris was resting the clipboard against her hip as she began armory inventory. Street stood for a minute watching her cute focused expression. She was always beautiful to him, and this moment was no exception. Street walked into the armory and set his backpack down on the ground.

Chris spun around and said, "Hey, did you get my text? Sorry we had to cancel our reservations, but I took your advice, so I'm covering armory duty for Powell."

"I know, and it's fine. It's not like it's the first time you've canceled on a date," Street said and took the clipboard out of Chris' hand.

"Street, I really gotta get through this, okay?" Chris said reaching to take the clipboard back.

"WE are gonna get through this. Chinese food will be here in 20 minutes. Why don't you start on that side?"

"I appreciate it, but you don't have to stay. I know how much you hate armory duty. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Are you kidding me? There's no place I'd rather be," Street replied with a smile and turned to begin inventory.

Chris tugged at his arm and he turned back to face her. She sweetly kissed him and flashed him a smile before heading back to counting bullets.

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