6. I'm With Her

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Rocker knocked on Chris' door and entered to find her reviewing files while seated at her couch.

"Hey, Rocker," Chris greeted.

"Hey, Captain. Henderson would like to take a couple days off, and I want to grant the request, but with Jackson laid up, we're already a man down. Any chance we can have someone cover for a shift or two?" Rocker requested.

"Sure...I think 20 Squad is next to cover for vacation. Henderson's skills are equally matched to Street, so he can cover for a few shifts," Chris stated.

"Wait, you're letting us take your boyfriend?" Rocker asked amused.

"On shift it's just Officer Street," she corrected.

"But 20 Squad rarely covers for other teams," Rocker replied.

"And that's not equitable, so that's changing starting now," Chris commanded.

"Do you mind if I tell your b...Street?" Rocker asked.

"Go ahead," Chris urged.

Rocker left Chris' office grinning.


Hondo stormed into Chris' office with Street and Rocker following closely behind. Chris got up from her desk.

"What the hell, Chris?" Hondo demanded.

Chris saw the anger on Hondo's face.

"Is there a problem?" Chris asked.

"You're breaking up my team so Henderson can go on vacation?" Hondo asked angrily.

"I'm not breaking up your team, Hondo. Just assigning someone to cover for a fellow SWAT Officer who wants to take a few days off," Chris clarified.

"20 Squad doesn't really cover for other teams. We work better together," Hondo replied.

"Every team does. Look, I've been reviewing the metrics. Every team performs worse when they're short a person or they have a substitute- every team except 20 Squad. Your team has the best officers in the building, and I don't think it would hurt to help the other teams out every once in a while, so 20 Squad has been added to the vacation coverage rotation. We're all one family here, and we need to act like it," Chris explained.

"It's only for a few shifts," Street added.

Hondo turned to face Street. "Of course you agree with your girlfriend!" he exclaimed.

"I'm agreeing with my captain's decision," Street insisted.

"Enough! This isn't up for debate. I've already assigned Street to cover on Rocker's team, and that's final," Chris demanded.

"Are you really doing this right now? Trying to prove a point that you don't play favorites by lending out your boyfriend from your old team?" Hondo asked incredulously.

"I am trying to lead this department fairly- not trying to prove a point. You don't have to like it, but it's how I do things," Chris answered evenly.

Hondo let out a deep breath and stalked out of Chris' office. Rocker followed behind him. Street put his hands in his pockets and looked at Chris.

"I'm really sorry about Hondo. I'll try talking to him," Street apologized.

"Don't. It's best if you don't say anything and let this blow over," Chris resigned and sat back down.

Street nodded in understanding and left the office.


20 Squad was in the locker room packing up to go home.

"Please just apologize to Chris. You need to show her some respect. She IS our captain," Deacon pleaded.

"She is just trying to be fair," Tan added.

"That doesn't mean she's right. I know it's Chris, but that doesn't mean every choice she makes is a good one," Luca retorted and then he realized what he said. He turned to Street. All of 20 Squad looked to Street to see his reaction.

"You know what, you guys? I've been trying to stay out of this little debate all day, because I know that you guys think I'll just blindly agree with my girlfriend. But you guys know that I've never shied away from disagreeing with Chris, and that hasn't changed just because we're together. She's been researching ways to make SWAT as a whole better, and this is one of the things she's come up with. This time, I happen to agree with her, but maybe I won't agree with the next change she wants to make. I need you guys to see me as my own person with my own opinions and not just the captain's boyfriend... and for the record, Hondo, you shouldn't have talked to Chris like that, and you know it," Street explained. Then he grabbed his backpack and exited the locker room without another word.

The rest of 20 Squad exchanged guilty looks as the locker room door swung shut behind Street.

Street walked into Chris's office and found her packing up her bag. He shut the door behind him and said, "We need to talk."

Chris looked at him curiously and said, "Okay."

Street let out a deep breath. "I really wish you hadn't told me to stay out of it today. I respected your wishes and didn't speak up to the team about how I feel about this whole vacation thing, but ultimately, I told the team I agreed with you. Not because you're my girlfriend and I feel the need to defend you..."

"I don't need you to defend me. I can take care of myself," Chris insisted.

"I'm aware. I just hated feeling like I'm just your boyfriend. I told the team they have to separate Chris' boyfriend from Officer Street, and I have to ask you to do the same."

Chris nodded her head. "You're right. I'm sorry that I didn't handle this correctly between us...it's just hard to figure out how to work together and be together without it being complicated."

"I know, but we're gonna figure it out together," Street promised and pulled Chris into a hug.

They heard a knock at the door and sprung apart.

"Come in," Chris called.

Hondo walked in and looked at Chris and Street.

"Captain, I came to apologize to you. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that and dismissed your new change. It's actually not a terrible idea come to think about it. I just get really protective over my team," Hondo explained.

"Apology accepted, and I admire your dedication to 20 Squad. That's part of why the team works so well together, because they have you to look up to," Chris replied.

Hondo smiled and looked to Street. "I'm also sorry that I wasn't fair to you. You two crazy kids can be professional and separate your relationship with work, and we can all do the same," he apologized.

"No hard feelings, Hondo," Street said and reached out to give him a fist bump.

Hondo smiled and said, "Have a good night, love birds." Then he exited the office.

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