23. You're Sure

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Chris and Street were standing in the foyer of their house. Street dropped his hands from where they were holding Chris' arms.

"Pr...pregnant? You're sure?" Street asked.

"I made an appointment tomorrow to confirm it, but I took two tests, so I'm pretty sure," Chris explained weakly. She crossed her arms. "Are you freaking out? Cause I'm definitely freaking out!" Chris confessed.

"Hey," Street said softly and peeled Chris' forearms away from her torso to hold them tightly. "This isn't bad news, right? I mean we've talked about being parents. We applied to become foster parents...I know we said in a few years...if this is bad timing, and we need to..." Street began.

"Hang on. I'm not saying I don't want this baby...do you?" Chris asked.

"I want whatever you want," Street assured.

"It's just that this wasn't the plan...I mean is this the right time?," Chris wondered aloud.

"Timing has never really been on our side," Street retorted with a smile.

"But we've figured it out before," Chris replied.

"What are you saying?"

"I think I want this baby with you," Chris answered quietly.

"Me, too," Street replied simply and pulled her towards him. He clung to Chris so tightly processing the news.


Chris and Street sat in the exam room. Chris was lying down on the exam table, and Street was sitting beside her. He squeezed her hand and kissed it.

"You look nervous," Chris said to Street.

"I'm not nervous!" Street replied.

Chris squinted at him.

"This is just one of those things I never want to forget," Street said sweetly.

Chris rolled her eyes. "You're so cheesy! I can't stand you," she said half jokingly.

"I think you like me enough," Street winked and pointed at Chris's stomach.

She nudged him in the arm.

A doctor entered the exam room.

"Hi, Christina! Are you ready to hear your baby?" the doctor asked entering the exam room.

"Call me Chris, and this is my husband, Jim," Chris introduced.

"Hey! So, she's really pregnant?" Street asked.

"Yes, the blood test was conclusive. Based on how far along you are, we'll be able to hear the heartbeat," the doctor replied.

Chris nodded.

"This is gonna be a little cold," the doctor said and lifted Chris' shirt to put the cold ultrasound solution on her stomach. The doctor gently glided the probe around Chris' stomach until the machine picked up a heartbeat.

Chris and Street looked at each other in shock. Street squeezed Chris' hand even harder.

"That's our baby," Street said quietly.

Chris smiled at him.

"Strong heartbeat. Actually, there seems to be a little echo," the doctor explained.

"What...what does that mean?" Chris asked looking at the doctor with concern.

"It can be a few things, but nothing we should worry about right now. We should schedule a follow up appointment within the next 3 weeks just to check in on you and the baby. I also recommend you start a prenatal vitamin plan...don't worry. I'll have a nurse write everything up and give that to you along with ultrasound pictures before you go. It was great to meet you both, and congratulations," the doctor said comfortingly and exited the exam room.

Chris looked down at her stomach and then at Street.

"This is really happening?" Chris asked.

Street leaned in so that his forehead was touching hers.

"We're gonna be parents," Street whispered.


Chris heard a knock on the door and opened it to find Deacon, Luca, Hondo, Tan, and Cabrera on her doorstep.

"Hey, guys?" Chris said curiously and moved out of the way to allow her family to come in.

Luca gave Chris a hug as he walked into the house. The team started assembling in the living room.

Street walked into the house with Champ. He surveyed the unexpected scene of his whole team sitting in his living room.

Chris crossed her arms and looked at Street and said, "You didn't!"

Street shrugged. "In my defense, I only told Luca!"

"Seriously?" Chris asked.

"I like to follow your relationship closely, and this is AMAZING news," Luca beamed.

Street took Champ off of his leash, and Street went to Chris' side.

"I was just really excited," Street explained.

"And so now the whole team knows?" Chris asked.

"The whole team can hear you," Tan said.

"We're so happy for you guys," Deacon added.

"And we're here for you every step of the way. This baby is part of our family now, too," Hondo expressed.

"Guys, it's so new. We're not even through our first trimester," Chris explained.

"We know. We saw the ultrasound pics," Cabrera said matter-of-factly.

Chris spun her head to raise her eyebrow at Street. Street wrapped his arms around her hips and said, "Don't kill me, please. I'm still the father of your child."

"You two are gonna be parents....together...this kid better be more like Chris," Tan said.

"I can't wait to meet your baby! Have you thought about names?" Luca asked.

"Luca, let's just give them a minute to breathe, please," Deacon urged.

"Thank you. We're still processing it all," Chris explained.

"Understandable. And when you're done processing, we've got some baby stuff you guys can have," Hondo offered.

"Annie and I have plenty of stuff, too," Deacon chimed in.

"Alright, guys, get in here, group hug," Luca coaxed and put one arm around Chris and motioned for everyone to join in.

The team joined in for a hug.

"I'm really happy for you guys," Tan said and fist bumped Street. "I still don't know why you married him let alone want to have a kid with him, but no judgement," Tan joked and gave Chris a hug.

Chris chuckled.

"Thanks," Street said sarcastically. "Since we're all here, I'm gonna order some pizza. Feel free to grab a beer from the fridge," Street directed to the group.

"Pizza?" Chris asked weakly and cupped her hands over her mouth. Chris raced out of the room afraid she was going to throw up.

"Luca, order the pizza. I gotta go check on her," Street instructed and left the room to follow Chris.

"Anyone wanna bet where this baby was conceived? I'm just saying I think it happened at HQ, which means it's a SWAT baby," Tan said to the group.

"I didn't need that visual," Deacon grimaced.

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