38. 24 David

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Street was coughing in bed. Chris bent over and put her hand on his forehead to check his temperature.

"You're definitely warm," Chris reported.

"And you're definitely hot," Street replied coyly.

"I'm being serious, amor. You totally have the flu...let me call Hicks to let him know we're not coming in today," Chris insisted and reached for her phone.

Street grabbed Chris' forearm to stop her. "No, I'm gonna be fine on my own. Don't worry about me," Street promised.

"You know I love you, but you are so needy when you're sick. I really can't trust you to be alone right now," Chris urged.

"I'll be fine, and Helena will be here soon. Go to work," Street encouraged.

"Are you sure?" Chris asked.

"Yes, go," Street coaxed.

Chris started walking towards the bedroom door and turned around. "Love you," she said sweetly.

"Love you," Street replied and coughed.

"Daddy!" Bella called from the hallway.

"Don't go in there, preciosa. I don't want you to get sick," Chris explained.

"But I wanna give daddy a kiss. That's what fixes my booboos," Bella whined.

"Yeah, mommy, maybe if you kiss me, I'll feel better," Street offered flirtatiously.

Chris gave Street a disapproving look and turned back to her daughter.

"No, no stay away! You can give him all the hugs and kisses you want when he's feeling better," Chris promised.

"Okay," Bella replied sounding deflated and turned away.

"Promise?" Street asked slyly.

Chris rolled her eyes "I promise, but only when you're feeling better," Chris warned and shut the bedroom door.


Chris was trying to work in her office, but she was worried about her husband.

Chris texted: How are you feeling?

She stared at her phone waiting for a response. Then, she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in," Chris called.

Hondo and Hicks walked into Chris' office.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"The flu is really going around today, so we're a few officers short...I was thinking, instead of being a man down, maybe you could join us on 20 Squad today?" Hondo proposed.

"You've been keeping up with all of your qualifications that make you fit for duty, and your husband isn't riding with 20 Squad, which means it's not against the rules," Hicks added.

"Really?" Chris asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind riding with the old 24 David again," Hondo replied with a smile.


Chris no longer had a locker, so she decided to use her husband's. When she opened the locker door, she saw it was littered with Bella's drawings and pictures of their family. Still barely visible was a picture of Chris and Street when they first got together and celebrated Chris' retirement from SWAT- a retirement that didn't last long. She lightly touched the picture reminiscing the whole day captured in the photo. It was their first day as a couple, and it was as eventful as everyday together had been since. She took a picture of Street's locker door and texted it to Street. She wrote: Thinking of you. Then, she sent a heart emoji. Still no response, which made her a bit concerned.

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