30. Date Night

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Chris and Street were about to walk out of the house when they stopped to turn around.

"Are you sure about this? We don't mind canceling our reservations," Chris offered.

"Chris, we can take care of the twins for one night. Besides, it's really good practice," Bonnie promised and touched her pregnant belly.

"If anything happens, call us, and we'll come right back," Street assured.

"Relax, enjoy your dinner, and we'll be okay," Tan guaranteed and put his arm around Bonnie.

"I'm just gonna go back upstairs and give them one last kiss," Chris began.

Street grabbed her hand and pulled her back towards him. "Don't you dare! If you go back upstairs, we're never gonna leave," Street warned.

"Go, shoo!," Bonnie urged and opened the front door.

"Hey, let's ride the bike to dinner," Chris offered slyly and took the motorcycle helmets out of the front closet.

"I promise to go slow," Street rebutted and started walking out the door.

"Is that a threat or a promise?" Chris asked as she stepped out of the house.

"Bye, guys!" Tan called and shut the door.

When Chris and Street arrived at Paul's Chophouse, they were given a booth in the back of the restaurant- Street's favorite seat. Chris immediately slid close to her husband and he put his arm around her. She planted a kiss on his neck.

"I got a little lipstick on you," Chris said with a smile and started rubbing it off.

"I'm not complaining. You're welcome to cover me with lipstick," Street replied suggestively.

"We are in a public place," Chris replied with a chuckle.

"And who's idea was that? I said we just rent a hotel room and have some room service."

"But you love this place," Chris responded.

"I love spending time with you, and I especially love spending ALONE time with you," Street clarified.

Chris looked around the restaurant and said, "Let's go." Chris got up from the booth and reached for Street's hand. He gratefully took her hand and followed her out of the restaurant. When they got to their motorcycle, they saw someone trying to steal the bike.

"Hey!" Street called and ran towards the person standing over the bike.

"LAPD. You're under arrest," Chris announced and drew her gun.

The person turned around and put their hands up.

"Ally?" Street asked.

"Jim? Good to see you..." Ally replied sassily.

"What are you doing here and why are you trying to steal my husband's bike?" Chris asked.

"Husband? No way! You two got married? Since when?" Ally asked.

"Like over a year ago, and that's really not important right now. I thought you left LA," Street said.

"I did...can you please put the gun down?" Ally inquired looking at Chris.

Chris looked to Street who subtly nodded. Chris holstered her gun.

"Tell me why we shouldn't arrest you right now?" Street asked.

"Because, I've got a bigger fish for ya," Ally offered.


Chris and Street were standing in eagle's nest with Tan and Hondo.

"Ally got involved with a mechanic that steals cars and outfits them for drug and gun smuggling and sells them to the highest bidder. She said she'll tell Tan more details," Street explained.

"Sorry your date night was cut short," Hondo apologized.

"Yeah, me too. I think you actually deserved it. Your kids are exhausting!" Tan replied.

Street laughed.

"Thanks for calling Helena to come over," Chris said.

"No problem. She was happy to step in. Bonnie said she was gonna stay for a bit and see if she can pick up any tips. Anyways, I should probably go talk to Ally," Tan said and left eagle's nest.

"Our kids are exhausting, babe. Can you believe it?" Street asked sarcastically.

"Tan and Bonnie are in for a rude awakening when their little boy is born," Hondo added and shook his head. He left eagle's nest without another word.

Street took Chris' hand. "Hey, I want a rain check on our date, Mrs. Alonso-Street," Street demanded.

"Yeah, I think that can be arranged," Chris replied with a sly smile. She inched closer to him.

"Next time, we should skip the whole dinner thing. We clearly can't have a full night to ourselves," Street said.

"So, you don't think you have to wine and dine me anymore?" Chris asked sarcastically.

"You prefer burgers and beer anyways," Street remarked.

"You know me so well," Chris replied and kissed him quickly.

"Alonso-Streets, what did I say about PDA in eagle's nest? I swear you two are worse than teenagers," Hicks called from the hallway and walked away.

Street and Chris looked at each other and laughed.


Street walked into Chris' office with his motorcycle helmet tucked under an arm.

"Ready?" Street asked.

"Not exactly," Chris replied and walked towards her office door. She locked it and turned back around to her desk. She reached behind her desk to grab a greasy brown paper bag that she held up to him and said, "I already told Aunt Helena we would be home late. We are finishing our date."

"Seriously?" Street questioned.

"Unless, of course, you're not interested in having a date...but I don't think you'll want to miss out on dessert," Chris replied suggestively and inched closer to her husband.

"Well, although dinner looks delicious, you know I have a big sweet tooth, so I say dessert first?" Street offered and started kissing her neck.

Chris smiled at the welcome sensation. She pulled him closer to her by the belt loops of his jeans and took the motorcycle helmet from his hands and placed it on her desk. Then, she held his shoulders tightly. He pulled his lips away from her neck and kissed her desperately while his fingers ran through her hair.

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