1. Civilian Life

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Street set his backpack down on the bench of the locker room.

Cabrera walked into the locker room and cheerily said, "Morning, Street!"

"Hey, Cabrera," Street replied.

"I'm riding with 20 squad today," she informed him.

"Cool," Street distractedly replied while pulling a picture out of his backpack. He used a magnet already in his locker to secure the photo. It was a picture Luca had captured a week before at Chris' farewell drinks celebration. Street had his arm around Chris and both of them were smiling. The memory and the image made Street smile.

"Sweet picture. That's a great way to keep Chris here at SWAT," Cabrera remarked interrupting Street's reminiscing.

"Well, it's more selfish than anything. Just wanted to have a picture of my girlfriend in my locker," Street responded plainly.

"You and Chris? I...I thought you guys were friends?"

"She is my friend. My best friend, actually. She also happens to be my girlfriend...well, that part is new since she quit, but it doesn't feel new, you know?," Street said with a smile.

"I'm really happy for you guys, and just so you know, I'm not trying to replace her on 20 squad," Cabrera answered.

"That's because you can't replace her. She's a legendary SWAT officer and a member of this family whether she's an officer or not," Street retorted somewhat annoyed. He closed his locker and stalked out of the locker room without another word.

He couldn't admit to himself how much he missed seeing Chris at HQ. He used to look forward to being on shift, because it meant being with her. Making her laugh in eagle's nest, quiet discussions in the armory, even watching her beat him at drills. He loved getting home from a long day and holding her in his arms, but while he was at work, he looked around and saw her in everything, and it made him miss her terribly. How could he miss someone so much when he knew he'd see her at the end of the day? Street resigned to accept that that's just how much he loves her.

Street heard his phone chime and pulled the phone out of his pocket. It was a text from Chris: "Still on for dinner?"

Street replied with: "Wouldn't miss it"

Chris replied with a heart emoji.

"Hey, are we boxing or texting?" Tan asked trying to get Street's attention away from his phone.

"Sorry, man," Street said and set his phone down and stepped into the ring.

"It seems everything's going okay with Chris then," Tan stated.

"What do you mean?" Street inquired.

"Based on the smile on your face from texting her, I'm assuming things are going well between you two."

"I could have been texting a buddy."

"But you weren't"

Street grinned, "No, and things are going great."

"I'm surprised she hasn't swung by to visit. Do you think she will? Cause, no offense, she's a way better sparring partner," Tan chided.

"Not sure. I haven't pressed the issue, you know. Just trying to give her space."

"Space? Is that what you call spending every night at her place?"

"How could you possibly..."

"Luca. Dude doesn't shut up about you two," Tan said with a smile.

"Well, I meant I've been giving her professional space to figure out this new chapter," Street clarified.

"It's still weird that she's not here. I keep expecting to find her in the locker room in the morning or whatever...how's she adjusting to civilian life?"

"Honestly? She seems bored."

"Bored? I thought she has a safe house filled with women to take care of."

"She does, but she's used all her contacts to get lawyers for the ones who need legal help, local businesses to hire the ones looking for a job, and even a few apartments for the ones who want to live on their own. She thought she'd be busier, but..."

"But she's TOO good at helping people?" Tan asked with a chuckle.


"Do you think she regrets it? Quitting SWAT?"

Street sharply inhaled. "I hope not....I mean because she quit, we get to be together, and if she regrets quitting, then..."

"Then what?" Tan pressed.

"Then that means she regrets being with me," Street said deflated.

"You know that's not true, man. She loves you. Not sure why, but she does," Tan said lightheartedly.

"Okay, enough talk about my love life. Let's go," Street replied as he strapped on his boxing gloves.


Chris heard a knock on her apartment door. She opened the door with a smile on her face, said, "Hey," and quickly pecked Street's lips.

Street silently set his bag down near the door.

"Shift was supposed to be over an hour ago. Must have been quite the op?" Chris asked and walked back into the kitchen to pull the chicken out of the oven. "Would you mind finishing up the salad?" She asked while sprinkling a little pepper on the chicken.

Street stood motionless staring at Chris. She was wearing a black Ramones t shirt with one of his plaid shirts over it and ripped jeans. She looked so beautiful, and it made his chest hurt.

Chris looked up at Street and asked, "Amor? What is it?" She looked at him with a confused look on her face.

Street let out a deep breath before he began, "I've been riding around for an hour trying to clear my head, but I just...I have to ask..." Street dropped his head and stared at the ground, unable to look into Chris' eyes as he continued, "do you regret being with me?"

"What?" Chris asked and started walking over to face him. "Of course not! Why would you even ask me that?"

Street picked his head up to look into her eyes. He wanted to see if she was lying.

"You don't seem happy since you quit, and I'm starting to think that maybe it's because you're not happy being with me."

Chris wrapped her arms around Street's neck and held him close. She said, "I was a cop for over a decade. I need time to adjust to a life without a badge, but that struggle has nothing to do with you or us. You are the best part of this new journey! Besides, civilian life isn't all bad. My new handcuffs are more comfortable." Chris leaned in and kissed Street lightly. She felt him open his mouth against hers. When their tongues collided, she felt a little dizzy. Street's hands cupped her face keeping him close to her. Chris pulled her plaid shirt off, and Street put a hand under her black t shirt at the small of her back. He had to pull away to catch his breath.

Against Street's lips, Chris said, "You know, I'm not even that hungry right now," and flashed him a mischievous grin. Street took her hand in his and back pedaled towards her bedroom still keeping his eyes on her.

He pouted a little and said, "Yeah me neither."

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