24. Sunrise Orange

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Street and Chris were standing in an empty bedroom in their home. They were staring at 2 paint streaks on a wall.

"Listen, I think golden yellow is the clear winner. Our kid will be see a color that says bright and shiny and happy," Street explained with a scowl on his face looking between the two colors.

"But sunrise orange would also make our baby happy. It's a warm color," Chris defended.

"Champ, what do you think your baby sister or brother will like?" Street asked and turned to the dog.

Champ sat motionless.

"He's a retired police dog not an interior designer," Chris said jokingly.

"Let's just take a break. Can I get you anything? Want some water? Do you want to sit down?" Street asked.

"Can you relax? I'm fine," Chris promised.

"Babe, you have to take care of yourself for you and the baby, please?" Street begged.

"Fine, I'll sit down," Chris said and sat cross legged on the ground.

Street got on the floor, too. He put his back against the wall and was sitting up. Immediately, Chris changed positions to put her head in his lap, and they both stared at the paint samples. Chris put a hand on her stomach and Street interlaced his fingers with hers there. Chris looked up at him.

"If we can't even pick a color for the nursery, how are we gonna be good parents?" Chris asked.

Street looked down at her and confessed, "I've been thinking the same thing."

"We don't really have the best role models in the parent department. My parents were a mess..." Chris began.

"So were mine," Street agreed.

"I don't want to be anything like them," Chris said.

"So we're gonna have to do everything we can to be everything that they weren't. Besides, we do have one thing going for us. Something we didn't have growing up...a family to support us and our baby. 20 Squad will always be there for our baby," Street encouraged.

"I hope it's enough. I don't wanna screw up our kid," Chris said worriedly.

"I know you're gonna be an incredible mom. Our baby is lucky to have you," Street guaranteed.

"Well, for the record, I think our baby is gonna have an amazing dad," Chris whispered.


Street walked into Chris' office with a mug of tea.

Chris was on the phone, so Street just quietly placed the mug in front of Chris, blew her a kiss, and turned to leave.

"Thank you, bye," Chris said into the phone and hung up. "Hey, you," Chris called to her husband before he could reach her office door.

Street twisted around to look at her and flashed her a smile.

"Thank you for the tea. I can get it myself, you know," Chris said.

Street walked over and replied, "I know. I know, but I was getting myself some water, and I thought you might want some tea. I know it's been helping with the nausea."

Chris stood up and walked around her desk. "See, this is the caring stuff that will make you a great dad," she encouraged and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I will do everything I can to prove to you and our baby that I will be the best dad I can be," Street promised.

"That's all we can do, amor," Chris replied. She reached up to kiss him sweetly.


Chris and Street walked into their house.

"I'm gonna draw you a bath. And before you say you can do it yourself, I know you're an incredibly capable, amazing woman. I also know you are my wife, and we are a team, which means working together and helping each other out," Street explained.

"Fine, you can draw a bath as long as you join me," Chris replied flirtatiously.

Street gave her a sly grin.

Then, Champ ran into the foyer with something in his mouth.

Chris bent over to look at the dog.

"What do you have there, Champ?" Chris asked.

Champ dropped the small can he was holding in his mouth. Chris picked up the can and inspected it.

"Sunrise orange! Champ votes for sunrise orange!" Chris cheered.

"No way," Street insisted. He walked over to look at the can. "Champ? Really?" Street asked the dog.

"We're going to the hardware store tomorrow to pick up the paint!" Chris said victoriously.

"See? We can do this," Street said encouragingly with a smile on his face.

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