3. Saint

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Chris was sitting on the kitchen counter. Street was standing in front of her kissing her neck.

"Okay, okay, amor, you're gonna be late!" Chris chuckled.

"I don't care," Street whispered against her neck.

Chris used her pointer finger to pull Street's face up to face her. Street's eyes were still hungry and wanting.

"Go to work, and come right back to me after shift," Chris demanded with a large smile.

"Why don't you swing by HQ today? Tan keeps complaining that he misses sparring with you," Street offered.

"I am driving one of the women to her appointment with her immigration lawyer," Chris replied.

"That won't take all day. Just come for an hour," Street pleaded.

Chris looked at Street's genuine expression. She could tell he wanted this.

"Fine, but only for a few rounds with Tan," Chris replied.

Street smiled. He kissed her for a moment. Then, he peeled himself away from Chris.

"Love you!" Chris called to Street as he was leaving.

Street turned his head around and said, "Love you," then he walked out the door.


The op was at a stand still. The team couldn't find any leads and no CIs or contacts could shed any light on the location of the drug manufacturing warehouse.

Street scrubbed his face and stepped down from eagle's nest. He needed a break and some water, so he turned to head towards the break room.

"Hey, you," Chris said.

Street turned on his heel to see Chris walking towards him.

"You came," Street said brightly walking towards her.

Chris and Street reached each other, and immediately she wrapped her arms around his midsection. Street held her shoulders tightly and kissed her forehead. She smiled.

"I didn't come for you. I came for Tan remember?" Chris said jokingly.

"Don't you get enough of each other off the clock?" Tan asked interrupting them.

"Never," Street replied still looking at Chris.

Chris gave Street one last smile and looked over at Tan to say, "Actually, I came to box with you for a bit."

"I would love nothing more, but we keep hitting dead ends on this case. Gotta keep drilling down to see if we can find anything," Tan said.

"What's the case?" Chris asked and pulled her hands away from Street's body to turn to fully face Tan.

"We got word that Saint has a drug manufacturing warehouse in South LA, but no clue about the location. Hondo really wants to find it and shut him down, but we don't have a single lead," Tan informed Chris.

"Not surprised no one's talking. Saint runs a tight ship," Street added.

"If Saint really works out of a warehouse, he's smart, he's not gonna leave a paper trail on ownership of the property," Chris began.

"We know. That's why we haven't found anything," Tan replied.

"I once worked a case with K-9 where a gang banger put the property deed for his grow house in the name of an elderly neighbor so that it wouldn't show up in our investigation. Saint lives in a tight knit Haitian community, so maybe he did the same thing," Chris proposed.

Street and Tan looked at each other.

"You're brilliant, babe!," Street exclaimed and started walking towards the big screens.

Tan turned to follow Street, but then looked back at Chris, and asked, "Aren't you coming?"

Chris followed them to eagle's nest and grabbed a tablet to help research.


20 Squad located the warehouse and raided it. Hondo happily apprehended Saint and brought him into HQ. Hondo walked over to Hicks and Chris.

"We couldn't have done this without you," Hondo said and outstretched his fist. Chris gave him a fist bump and smiled.

Hondo walked away. Hicks turned to Chris. "You don't seem to be all that retired, but I'm not complaining. You're a damn good officer," Hicks said and then headed to his office.

"You just can't help yourself, can you?" Street asked as he walked towards her.

"What? You were the ones that brought Saint down," Chris replied.

"Only because you helped us crack the case, and that recommendation to enter through the skylight was pretty clutch," Street said.

"Just glad I could help," Chris said and reached to take Street's hand in hers. They started walking towards the exit, and Street pulled their clasped hands close to his face to plant a quick kiss on the back of her hand.

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