11. Not Just a Piece of Paper

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The only reliable witnesses to the robbery was an elderly man and woman. They sat in Chris's office huddled up next to each other on the couch after giving their statement to Chris and Street.

Chris and Street walked outside to speak privately.

"I think a sketch artist could use the physical descriptions they gave to get us an ID on these guys," Chris said.

Street watched as the elderly man helped the elderly woman put on a sweater.

"I hope we're that adorable when we're an old married couple," Street said clearly not paying attention to Chris.

"M...married couple? I don't know about that," Chris replied.

"You don't think we'll be together forever?" Street asked innocently.

"Well, I hope so. I just don't think we'll get married. I mean I don't think I'm really the marrying type," Chris answered.

"Since when?" Street asked.

"Since forever. Guess I never mentioned it...does that bother you?" Chris asked.

"Umm...yeah sorta. I've always thought I'd get married."

"Street, our parents had crappy marriages. Growing up with that, how could you possibly want to try?"

"I guess I just think with the right person, it'd be a different kind of marriage," Street explained.

"You don't need a piece of paper to have a lifelong commitment with someone."

"It's not just a piece of paper...." Street began to reply before being interrupted.

"Chris? Did you get anything from the witnesses?" Hicks asked.


Street and Chris walked into Chris' apartment. She set her keys at the front and turned to Street and said, "You didn't say a single word the whole ride here. What's going on?"

"I'm trying not to be mad at you right now, but I'm pissed," Street said.

"About what?"

"About what you said about marriage!"

"Street, I'm sorry that I upset you- that's just how I feel!"

"Well what about how I feel?"

"How do you feel?" Chris asked trying to sound calm.

"You said that marriage is just a piece of paper like it's meaningless, but that's an important piece of paper to me," Street took a deep breath before he continued, "When I was bouncing around between foster homes, my case worker would come visit me and pull out this folder on me that just kept growing with every new placement. Every time she showed me that file, all I could think was that folder was filled with a bunch of pieces of paper that said who my family was and it was all temporary and none of it was the right fit. I always wanted to get married to finally have a family on paper that I wanted, that I could be proud of, that's permanent."

"I...I didn't know you felt that way," Chris replied sweetly.

"Look, if you're absolutely, completely against marriage, then we won't get married, because I want you more than any piece of paper. I just hope that maybe you could just think about it for me," Street pleaded.

"If it's really that important to you, amor, then I'll think about it. I might need some time, but I'm not saying no," Chris replied.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured or anything!"

Chris cupped his face and looked at him resolutely. "I know, and I'm sure. I'll think about it," she said and kissed him lightly.

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