18. Honeymoon Forever

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Chris and Street were sitting in Chris' Jeep in the SWAT HQ parking lot making out.

"You're back!" Luca shouted from outside of the car.

Chris and Street broke apart and awkwardly got out of the car.

"Hey, Luca!" Chris said while she adjusted the collar of her blouse.

Street walked over to the driver side of the car and handed Chris her bag and said, "Good to see you, bud!"

"How was your honeymoon?" Luca asked excitedly.

"It was amazing," Street beamed.

"The love birds are back!" Tan called as he walked over to join them in the parking lot.

"Hey, Tan!" Chris greeted.

"Tell me everything! Show me the pictures!" Luca insisted.

"Don't show us ALL the pictures," Tan winced.

"We went to some really great beaches. Hiked some awesome trails. You guys won't believe the sunrises out there," Street said and presented his phone to Luca.

Luca started looking through the photos as they walked inside.

"Don't scroll too far," Chris warned.

"Welcome back, you two!" Hondo said brightly.

"Happy to be back, Hondo," Chris replied.

"So you didn't enjoy the Hawaiian cruise?" Hondo asked.

"I am trying not to take offense, babe," Street interrupted.

"No, it was great, but I love you guys!" Chris replied looking at her family.

"Hey, are you still coming by later to pick up Champ?" Luca asked.

"Yeah, we'll swing by after shift. Thanks again for watching him for us," Street said.

"I thought you got in yesterday. Did your flight get delayed or something?" Tan asked.

"Well, we were still in honeymoon mode," Street said shyly.

Hondo scoffed.

Hicks appeared at the entrance.

"Chris, Hondo, we've got a situation developing. My office now....oh, and welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Alonso-Street," Hicks said and turned back towards the direction of his office.


Street stood in the break room pouring himself a cup of coffee. Chris walked in and said, "I had the same idea."

Street turned around and held out the coffee cup for her to take. She happily accepted the mug.

"Thanks," Chris said and took a sip. "Does the team have any leads?" she asked.

"Not yet," Street replied simply. Then, he took the coffee mug out of Chris' hand and placed it on the table beside them. Then, he started kissing her neck. He ran his hands up and down her arms as the kiss intensified.

"Street! We're at work!" Chris said.

"Mhm," he replied as he started planting kisses up her neck to her cheek. Chris whimpered at the sensation and held onto his arms.

Hicks barged in, and they sprung apart. He pretended like he didn't see anything. "Have you had a chance to look at the new SWAT recruit applications I left on your desk?" Hicks asked.

"Yeah. I've made my selections. Looks like a promising group," Chris replied trying to sound casual.

Hicks grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and said, "Great. Thanks...." He reached the door and looked from Chris and Street and said, "Carry on." Then, he left the break room.

Street immediately wrapped his arms around Chris' midsection bringing her closer to him. He leaned in to kiss her, and Chris stopped him saying, "You can't be serious. We just got busted by Hicks!"

"He said to carry on. I'm just following orders," Street replied and kissed her.

Chris wanted to resist, but she kissed him back.


Street walked into Chris' office.

"One sec, amor!" Chris said as she packed her bag up.

Hicks entered the office and said, "Hey, Chris, I almost forgot. You have to fill out a request form, so that we can update the door with your new last name."

"Oh, I'm actually not changing my last name at work. I'm just Captain Alonso here and Mrs. Alonso-Street off the clock," Chris explained.

"I didn't mean to offend you. I didn't know...." Hicks began.

"No, it's just I've built a reputation here as Chris Alonso, and I want to keep that intact," Chris shared.

"Besides, I don't want anyone confusing my not so great track record with her amazing work as an officer," Street added.

Chris gave him a "that's not true" look.

Hicks said, "You have built quite the legacy here, so I respect that. And it means I have less paperwork to file....good night, you two." He reached the door and then turned around and added, "Since I know it's not possible, I'm not gonna ask you to keep your hands to yourself, but you do have an office door that locks...just a suggestion." With that, Hicks exited the office.

Chris bit her lip and looked at Street. Street gave her a mischievous grin.

"Don't even think about locking this door right now. We gotta go get Champ," Chris warned and started walking towards the door.

"For the record, I didn't say anything!" Street shrugged and followed her out of the office.

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