25. For Sale

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Luca and Tan saw Chris and Street walking into HQ.

"Hey, quick question- where did you go on your most romantic date?" Luca asked.

"A taco truck," Chris replied.

"Paul's Chophouse," Street answered.

"Okay, those are some very different answers," Luca said clearly confused.

"Paul's Chophouse has mood lighting, great food, and really nice booths that me and Chris like to cuddle up in," Street explained.

"Okay, but, on our first date, you took me to a taco truck to keep things casual, and we ate tacos in the back of my Jeep under the stars...it was great," Chris remembered.

"Yeah, we hooked up in the back of her car...it was a great date," Street reminisced.

"I would like a list of surfaces that you two haven't hooked up on for future reference," Tan butted in.

"I would highly recommend never sitting anywhere in their house, then," Luca replied.

"Including the stairs," Street added.

"I regret asking," Tan said clearly disgusted and walked away.

"Why are you looking for a romantic date spot?" Chris inquired.

"I'm thinking I gotta step up my game with Nora. We've been on a few dates, and things are going well. I want her to know I'm putting in the effort," Luca shared with a smile.

"You don't have to take her anywhere fancy. Be good to her, be attentive, take her somewhere she'll actually enjoy, and be the best version of yourself," Street encouraged.

"That's actually good advice," Luca said surprised.

"See, that's how he married someone out of his league," Chris said and kissed Street on the cheek. Then, she let go of Street's hand and walked toward her office.

"Real humble, babe," Street called after her.

"She's not wrong, though," Luca corroborated.

"Yeah, I know," Street resignedly replied and started walking towards the locker room.


Street knocked on Chris' open office door and walked inside. He closed the door behind him.

"I threw up an hour ago, and I feel really disgusting, so don't even think about fooling around right now," Chris warned.

Street put his hands up in surrender. "I just came to talk...actually talk, and bring you some tea," Street said and presented Chris with a mug of tea. She took the mug from his hands and took a sip. Street gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Okay, so what do you want to talk about?" Chris asked.

"Rocker's brother is looking into buying a bike, and I was thinking of selling my Ducati to him," Street said.

"You want to sell your motorcycle?" Chris asked in disbelief.

"We're about to have a baby. It's not very practical," Street explained.

"But you love that bike!" Chris said defensively.

"I love you and our family more," Street justified.

"If you get rid of the bike, you're gonna lose some sexy points," Chris rebutted with a smile.

"Chris...I'm being serious," Street whined.

Deacon opened Chris' office door, and said, "Hey, Luca got an address. Let's roll."

Street started jogging out of the office.

"Conversation to be continued!" Chris called after him.


Chris and Street were walking out of HQ. Before Street could get in Chris' Jeep, she stopped him.

"Don't sell your bike. I don't care how impractical it is or whatever. You love that bike, and so do I. We've had so many great memories on that bike. You drove me on that bike to my first grief group meeting after Erika died. And I love just holding onto you and riding for hours," Chris reminded him.

"We will always have great memories, but I have to be reasonable, babe," Street explained.

"I called my cousin who works at a dealership, and he can get a us a deal on a car. Let's see if there's something you like that we can afford, but we keep the bike," Chris proposed.

"Are you sure? I'm really willing to give it up?" Street offered.

"I'm sure. We might not be able to ride it as often when the baby comes, but I hope we can find time every once in a while," Chris said.

"This is why I couldn't give up on my dream girl. You're the best," Street beamed and lightly kissed her before climbing into the Jeep.

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