15. I Asked First

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Chris and Street had invited the team and their spouses over for a barbecue. Everyone was standing in the backyard talking and laughing.

Street and Deacon were flipping burgers.

"You have a beautiful home here, Street," Deacon mused.

"Thanks. Sarzo did a really great job on this place," Street replied.

"No, Street. A house is four walls and a roof, a home is a space you fill with love. You and Chris have made a beautiful HOME together," Deacon clarified.

Street smiled back.

Champ walked over and sat near the grill panting.

"You've already eaten enough. Go by mom," Street said to the dog.

The dog didn't move.

Chris, who was standing nearby said, "He's a highly trained police dog. He responds better to German, remember?" She turned to the dog and said, "Kommen". Champ got up and walked over to stand at Chris' side.

"Show off," Street chided and turned back to the grill.

Chris broke off some food on her plate and fed it to Champ who graciously ate it.

"Mom, huh? Are you guys thinking about having human babies?" Nichelle asked.

"You're worse than my aunt! She's practically begging us to have kids," Chris replied.

"Victor's parents are the same way, but we agreed we're working on our own timeline," Bonnie shared.

"Have you guys talked about a timeline?" Nichelle asked Chris.

"We said maybe in a year or two? We're still getting used to living together and having this trouble maker around," Chris answered pointing at Champ.

"It'll happen when it's the right time. I'm surprised you two have moved so fast. I thought you guys didn't start dating until around the time Nichelle and Hondo got pregnant," Bonnie added.

"It may seem fast, but I swear it doesn't feel like we're rushing anything. Speaking of, aren't you due next month?" Chris asked Nichelle.

Nichelle rubbed her pregnant belly and beamed, "Yup. I can't believe it! I mean the nursery still isn't finished, and there's a million other things I want to do before she arrives. Time has flown by."

"We'll all help you guys any way we can," Chris promised.

Bonnie nodded her head in agreement.

A chorus of phone chimes rang throughout the backyard. All the SWAT officers looked down at their phones.

"We gotta roll," Hondo announced to the group.


Street saw Chris curiously inspecting the armory. He walked over and asked, "Something I can help you find, Captain?"

"60 Squad seems to have misplaced their sound gun. Just wanted to see if it was left in here," Chris answered.

"They didn't misplace it. They broke it. But before you panic, I fixed it," Street said and picked up a case. He placed it on the table next to Chris. "Here you go," he added.

"You really didn't have to help 60 Squad like that. Thank you," Chris beamed.

"I didn't do it for them. I did it for you. I figured it'd be one less thing for you to stress about around here," Street explained sweetly.

"Remind me to make it up to you at home," Chris flirted.

"Your office door locks. Why wait?," Street suggested with a smile.

Chris rolled her eyes and reached for the case and Street took her hand.

"Listen, I sorta overheard you talking to Nichelle and Bonnie earlier. Call me old fashioned, but if we want to start trying for a baby in a year or two, I think we might want to get married beforehand," Street suggested shyly.

"We could always get married after a baby comes? I'm not really an old fashioned kind of girl," Chris replied.

"You're right," Street agreed. "Guess you should get that back to 60 Squad," Street added pointing to the case. He gave Chris's hand a final squeeze and exited the armory.


Chris and Street arrived home. Street took his leather jacket off and hung it on a hook at the front door. Chris hung her jacket up as well.

Street took a deep breath and started walking towards the stairs. "Can we just order some takeout, babe? I'm exhausted," Street said.

He turned around and saw that Chris was still standing in the entrance not moving.

"Chris? You okay?" Street asked.

"Marry me," Chris said simply.

"What?" Street asked, convinced he had misheard her.

"This life that we have together, it's not perfect, but it's better than anything I could have hoped for, and I'm done being scared of something messing up our perfectly imperfect life, because I know we can get through anything together, so...," Chris began then she got down on one knee and continued, "marry me, please?"

Street stared at her for a moment and then walked over to his leather jacket.

"Street?" Chris asked watching him curiously still kneeling on the ground.

Street pulled something out of his jacket pocket and turned to face her. "I've been carrying this around for weeks, and seeing as how I actually came prepared with a ring, I think I get to ask," Street said. He got down on one knee and opened up the ring box. Then he asked, "Christina Alonso, will you marry me?"

"Does this mean you're saying yes to my proposal?" Chris asked.

"Only if it means you're saying yes to me," Street replied.

Chris smiled and grabbed his face to kiss him for a moment. Then, Street took Chris' hand and slid the engagement ring on her finger. Street looked down at the ring and back at Chris.

"I can't believe my dream girl said yes," Street said beaming.

"Technically, I asked first," Chris joked. The huge smile on her face making Street smile even brighter.

Street leaned in and kissed her deeply.

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