7. SWAT Dropout

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Street attempted to drive the challenging course behind the wheel of Black Betty to earn his driving cadre. Street hopped out of the driver's seat of Black Betty and looked to Hicks.

Hicks shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Street, but you drove over too many cones and didn't make it in time. I can't give you the driving cadre. But try again in a month or so, son, and I'm sure you'll get it." Hicks tried to give him an assuring smile.

The onlooking officers all snickered. He heard one say: "Can you believe the captain is dating this guy?"

Street passed them all and headed into the locker room.

"That was a tough break, buddy, but I can give you some tips on how to handle Betty. Next time, you'll get it," Luca assured.

"It's fine, man...Hey, can you wait for me and give me a ride back to our place? Chris is staying late to work on budgets or something," Street said trying to shield how hurt he was.

Luca nodded his head and exited the locker room leaving Street in there alone. He sighed and rooted through his locker until he found an envelope tucked all the way at the back. He looked at the envelope in his hands and then walked over to Chris's office. Thankfully, she wasn't there. He placed the envelope on her desk and left to find Luca.


Chris returned to her desk and found the envelope at her desk. She opened it and read the short letter. Then, she ran out of her office and walked into the locker room. She found Deacon and Tan packing up for the day.

"Chris? What's wrong?" Deacon asked.

"Where's Street?" Chris asked in return.

"He left a bit ago. He seemed pretty bummed about failing the driving cadre," Tan replied.

"He failed?" Chris asked in disbelief.

Deacon and Tan nodded their heads.

"Chris, if you're not upset about the cadre, then what's the matter? Your hand is shaking!" Deacon said in a concerned tone.

Chris looked down to see the hand holding the envelope was shaking.

"Street left me this," Chris responded presenting the letter. Then, she read it out loud:

Thanks for being such a great friend that makes saying goodbye so hard.


Deacon shot Chris a confused look. Tan stared at the page trying to make sense of the message.

"Why does it have a date in 2017 in the corner?" Tan asked.

"2017? That was 5 years ago..." Deacon replied looking at the letter to confirm the date.

"That's when Street joined SWAT. This is his letter. The superstitious letter every SWAT officer writes in case they die on the job...the one you guys forced him to write," Chris explained.

"Why did he write it to you?" Tan asked simply.

"He said he didn't have anyone else, and I told him to address it to me," Chris explained.

"Why would he give this to you now?" Deacon asked.

"I think...I think he's breaking up with me," Chris said. A single tear streamed down her face and she hurriedly left the locker room.


Chris pulled up to the gated park. She saw Street sitting on top of a picnic table. The sight gave her major deja vu. The last time she had been here was the first time she and Street kissed. A lot had happened since. Hesitantly, she opened the gate.

Street heard the noise and huffed. He didn't turn around, but he asked, "How did you find me?"

"You forget that I know you. I know that you lived in a tough foster home around here, and you used to come here to clear your head. I know that you still come here sometimes when you're having a bad day," Chris explained. She walked over to join him seated on top of the picnic table.

Street stood up, still unable to look at her. He stared off with his back to her. "I actually haven't been here in a while. Last time I was here was actually the first time we kissed. I knew that night that it was just the beginning for us. Seems pretty poetic to end things here, too."

"What are you talking about? We're not ending anything!"

"Chris, you're this badass legendary captain, and I'm a loser. I couldn't even earn my driving cadre," he said sounding deflated.

"You'll get it next time! Just practice a little more with Luca," she assured.

"And what if I don't?"

"I don't care."

"But you should. You shouldn't be with a guy like me! You should be with someone that isn't practically a SWAT dropout."

"That's a little dramatic don't you think?" Chris asked. Chris walked over to face Street. "I don't want anyone else. I want you...even if you actually became a SWAT dropout."

"You've worked so hard to get to where you are. I'm not gonna be the one to jeopardize that," Street replied.

"See? This is exactly one of the things I love about you. Your big heart and concern for other people. If being with you jeopardizes my career, then I don't care, because I want you."

Street looked down at the ground and sighed. Chris cupped Street's cheek and directed his face to look at her. "I hate that you've gotten used to everyone leaving you when things get tough, but I'm the exception, okay? I won't let you break up with me, because I'm never gonna leave you no matter what!"

Street looked into her eyes and saw the intensity of her gaze. She meant every single word. He pulled her into his arms to hug her tightly.

"Never leaving you ever," Chris whispered against his neck.

When Street let go, he looked at her and said, "I really love you, you know that?"

"Well, not according to this letter!" Chris said sassily as she pulled out the envelope from her pocket.

Street grabbed the letter out of Chris' hand and placed it onto the picnic table. He pulled out a pen and wrote under his signed name:

P.S. You're the love of my life.

Chris watched him scrawl the words and chuckled.

"Fixed it," Street said and put the letter back into its envelope. Then, he put it in his pocket.

"You're taking back my letter?" Chris laughed.

"It's a SWAT superstition. I'm putting it back in my locker tomorrow morning!" Street promised.

"Well without that letter, how will I know that you love me?" Chris asked flirtatiously.

"Let me show you," he replied and wrapped his arms around her and their mouths collided.

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