22. Sick Day

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Chris was laying in bed and Street walked over to her. He stroked her side and asked, "Are you sure you don't want me to stay home with you?"

"No, I should be going in with you," Chris replied weakly.

"You were throwing up all night. You're not going anywhere today," Street instructed sweetly. His thumb lightly caressed her forehead.

"I think I can manage," Chris said and sat up in bed.

"You can't go into work today. You can barely keep water down, and you look terrible," Street said in a concerned voice.

"Gee, thanks," Chris responded sarcastically.

"You're still beautiful to me, but you're not leaving this bed...call if you need anything, okay?" Street asked.

Chris nodded her head and Street kissed her forehead.

"Love you," Street said as he walked out of the bedroom.

"Love you," Chris replied and shot out of bed to head back to the bathroom and throw up again.


Deacon stopped Street in the hallway and said, "I heard Chris is under the weather."

"Yeah, she's got a little stomach bug. I'm sure she's gonna be okay, but she hates being laid up," Street explained.

"Stomach bug? But you feel fine?" Deacon asked.

"Yeah, I guess so," Street replied.

"Tell her we all hope she gets better soon," Deacon expressed and walked away.


Street, Luca, and Hondo were in eagle's nest. Street was checking his phone.

"Okay, you've been checking that thing all day. We gotta focus, Street," Hondo urged.

"Sorry, I'm just worried about her," Street confessed.

"We all are. Best we can do for Chris is close this case," Hondo replied and exited eagle's nest.

"Hondo's right," Luca agreed.

"Something feels off. She never gets sick. And she's always taking care of me. I feel so guilty that I'm not with her right now," Street confessed.

"Yeah, when you got the flu last year, she said you were being a baby, and she took care of you every second she was off the clock. Let's finish this shift strong and then go home and take care of your wife," Luca urged and left eagle's nest.

Street looked down at his phone and called Chris.

"Amor? Are you okay?" Chris asked urgently when she answered the phone.

"Am I? You're the one that's sick. How are you feeling?" Street asked.

"Useless," Chris replied weakly.

"What's that sound in the background? Did you leave the house?" Street asked somewhat alarmed.

"Relax. I just wanted to pick up some crackers to see if that would settle my stomach, and I think I might get..." Chris started.

"Is that your wife?" Hicks asked appearing at Street's side.

"Hang on, babe," Street said and looked to Hicks.

Hicks motioned for Street to give him the phone. Hicks put the phone to his ear and said, "Alonso-Street, stop texting me for updates. Everybody here is fine. I think I can manage 20 Squad on my own for a shift. Now, rest up! That's an order," Hicks demanded and hung up the phone. Then, he handed it back to Street. "Get back to work," Hicks barked and exited eagle's nest.


Street was about to leave the locker room when Hondo called, "Street. You made a promise to be with Chris in sickness and in health, so you go home and take care of our girl. Let Nichelle and I know if you guys need anything." Hondo patted Street on the shoulder.

Street nodded and said, "I may just take a day or two off until Chris gets better. I'm no use to anyone if I can't stop worrying about her."

Hondo gave him an encouraging nod, and Street left the locker room to get home.

Once he arrived home, he saw Chris in the foyer.

"Chris, what are you doing out of bed?" Street asked worriedly.

"Street, I'm fine, well, actually...," Chris assured.

Street lightly rubbed her upper arms and searched her eyes. "Let's get you back to bed. You need to rest," he insisted.

"I'm pregnant," Chris said simply.

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