21. Advice

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Street was standing in the kitchen of his house when he heard a knock on the door. When he opened the door, he found Luca standing in the doorway.

Luca shouldered past Street and said, "Man, I really need your advice."

"Good morning to you, too, buddy. What's up?" Street asked.

"Something happened last night, and I can't stop thinking about it," Luca replied sounding lost.

"Amor, did you...Luca? What are you doing here?" Chris asked as she walked down the stairs and saw Luca in the foyer.

"Hey, Chris, actually I'm glad you're here. I could really use a girl's perspective, too," Luca said.

"Perspective on what?" Chris asked.

"Girls," Luca answered sounding dazed.

"I have dated my fair share...what about them?" Chris inquired.

"It's just one girl that something happened with," Luca answered.

"You're not giving us a lot to go on here," Street coaxed.

"Okay, so, last night, I got drinks with Fowler to, you know, unwind after a tough shift, and at the end of the night...we uh....we sorta kissed," Luca explained.

"Who kissed who?" Street asked.

"I don't know. It was pretty mutual I think?" Luca questioned.

"And?" Chris asked.

"And what?" Luca asked back.

"Did it mean anything to you?" Chris asked.

"I thought Nora and I were friends, but that kiss..." Luca sounded confused.

"Sounds like there's no going back....been there," Street said casually.

"You two can't compare! Your first kiss turned into your first night together, and you were calling Chris your girlfriend within 48 hours!" Luca replied excitedly.

Chris scoffed. "Yeah, so that wasn't our first kiss," she shared guiltily and scratched her head.

"Seriously? So you guys were making out all the time while you were on the same team?" Luca asked.

"We only kissed twice before we got together," Street answered defensively.

"Do I even want to know when?" Luca inquired.

"We kissed right before I left for TLI in Germany," Chris shared.

"How did I not know this?" Luca asked.

"It was complicated. We were on the same team. It was against the rules," Street explained.

"Well, it's not technically against the rules, since Fowler isn't on 20 Squad," Luca tried to rationalize.

"So, you want more than just that kiss?" Chris asked to clarify.

"Didn't you?" Luca asked.

"Yeah, Chris, didn't you?" Street questioned half jokingly.

"I was in a relationship with other people when I kissed Street for the first time, and I was terrified that I felt something so strong for someone. I regret running away and burying my feelings instead of just being honest," Chris confessed.

"Aww, babe, I'm so proud of you for being vulnerable," Street beamed.

"Luca, take it from me, be honest with yourself and then be honest with her. If you like her, tell her. If you don't have feelings for her, let her know, so she can move on," Chris instructed.

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