26. Trouble

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Street rolled over in bed and put an arm around Chris. He kissed her shoulder and said, "Good morning to my favorite girls."

Chris chuckled. "Morning..." Chris began and turned around with a little effort to face her husband. "You're so convinced it's a girl, but I know for a fact that we're having a boy," she insisted.

"Not a chance! All I want is a girl as smart, beautiful, kind, and amazing as you, and that's exactly what I'm gonna get."

"So, if we have a son, you won't be happy?" Chris asked.

"I will be happy with whatever kid shares your DNA, but I'm telling you...it's a girl. Let me go get my girls some tea," Street insisted, kissed Chris's forehead, and got out of bed.

"This debate will be over when the doctor tells us today what the sex of the baby is," Chris replied and tried to get out of bed. Her growing belly was throwing her a little off balance. She felt like it was easier to drive Black Betty than move around as a pregnant woman.


20 Squad finished running drills. They were trying to catch their breath and hydrate.

"So, the spread is pretty split right now. I think we've all placed our bets," Luca told Tan.

"What are you betting on?" Street asked.

"The sex of your baby. I know it's a girl, but Luca here thinks it's a boy," Tan explained.

"Wait, you guys have a bet on our kid? And Luca, I thought you'd be on my side! It's totally a girl!" Street said shocked.

"I gotta trust Chris on this one. I hear pregnant women have intuition about this stuff," Luca replied.

"Four kids and Annie has never guessed properly. I still think Chris might be right, though. I bet on a boy," Deacon shared.

"My baby girl is the light of my life, and I hope you have one, too. I'm betting it's a girl for you," Hondo said.

"I'm deferring to my captain on this one. Guessing it's a boy," Cabrera explained.

"Traitor!" Street joked.

"You'll find out soon enough, though, right? You two are cutting out of shift a little early to go to the ultrasound?" Hondo asked.

"Yup, in three short hours, I will prove to my wife that I can be right every once in a while!" Street gloated.

"Street, you've known Chris long enough to know that she's almost always right," Tan insisted.

"And you've been married long enough to know that even when your wife is wrong, she's still right," Hondo added.

"Besides, you can always foster a girl if you're having a boy," Luca offered.

"I guess. It just won't happen for a while. Our family situation has changed since Chris is pregnant, so our social worker won't place a foster kid with us for a while," Street shared.

"I'm so sorry, but it is probably for the best. A newborn is a lot of work. It could be tough to juggle fostering and sleep training," Deacon justified.

"True. Guess Chris will have to wait on adding a boy to the family, since we're having a girl!" Street joked.

"Did you not hear a word I said?" Hondo questioned.


Chris and Street walked into their house.

"So..." Chris started but unsure of what to say.

"Yeah...." Street replied at a loss.

"SURPRISE!" Luca exclaimed as he ran up to them.

"Luca, how did you get in here?" Chris asked.

"Street gave me a key," Luca replied casually.

"It was for emergencies," Street clarified.

"Look, I'm already here, so just come with me," Luca said and guided the couple into their backyard.

Chris and Street walked into their backyard to find Hondo, Nichelle, Deacon, Annie, Cabrera, Fowler, Tan, Bonnie, and Hicks standing there with balloons and presents.

"What's all this?" Street asked surprised.

"We wanted to surprise you with a little baby shower," Luca explained.

"Guys! You didn't have to do all this!" Chris exclaimed.

"We're family. It's what family does," Hondo said with a smile.

"And, we wanted to be the first to hear. Are you having a boy or a girl?" Deacon asked.

Chris and Street looked at each other.

"How many of you guessed a girl?" Street asked.

A few people raised their hands.

"And how many of you guess a boy?" Chris asked.

The other half raised their hands.

"Well, you're both right...because we're having twins!" Chris announced.

"Wait what?" Tan asked.

"Yup. One boy and one girl," Street added simply.


"We're...uh...we're still in shock," Street admitted.

"How did you not know sooner?" Deacon inquired.

"The way the babies were positioned, both of them weren't showing up on the ultrasound, and their heartbeats were in sync, so we heard an echo, but not two different heartbeats. Now that they've grown and moved around in there, we know we're really having twins," Chris explained.

"Two babies? That's gonna be A LOT," Hondo advised.

"Yeah, but you know what they say, double the fun," Street replied.

"I think the phrase is 'double the trouble'," Chris corrected.

"Yeah kids who share your DNA, it's definitely that one," Tan joked.

The whole team started laughing.

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