40. The Sculptor

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Thanks to K (@Echopexring) for the idea. This one is for you!


Chris and Street entered HQ holding hands. Street kissed Chris' forehead before turning to enter the locker room.

"Hey, you two," Hicks called.

Street stopped in his tracks and turned to Hicks.

"Morning," Chris greeted.

"I need to talk to you guys," Hicks regarded them.

"What's going on?" Street asked.

"You know Hondo is on vacation with his family, and he was hoping you could fill in as 20 David while he's gone...of course, only if you're comfortable leading the team for a week, and if you're okay with riding together," Hicks offered.

"It's technically against the rules, though," Street countered.

"You two work together all the time. I'm okay with it if you are, and Hondo was right when he said it would feel more natural for the team to have Chris at the helm in his absence," Hicks replied.

Chris and Street exchanged looks to decide what to do. Finally, Chris replied, "Okay, let's do it."

"Great, head to the locker room, and suit up, 20 David," Hicks ordered to Chris with a smile and handed her a SWAT long sleeve shirt and pants.

"Yes, sir," Chris responded while taking the clothes and headed to the locker room with Street following closely behind.

Chris entered the locker room and addressed the team, "Hey, guys, listen, while Hondo is out, he's asked me to cover for him as team leader. I don't plan on running this team any differently, but I hope you're all cool with it."

"Of course we are, Chris! Happy to be riding with you," Luca replied excitedly.

"This is gonna be great!" Deacon assured.

"You better not force us to do extra drills, or I'll force Hondo to come back from his trip early," Tan joked.

"For that, we're adding a mile to our run," Chris replied.

"Whatever you say, Chris," Cabrera responded brightly.

"Let's get changed, then," Chris ordered. She placed the change of clothes in an empty locker at the end and changed quickly.

Chris heard her phone chime as she pulled up her pants. After reading the notification, she regarded the room, "We might not be going for a run after all. Looks like Hicks has something cooking, so stay close."

Then, she exited the locker room and walked over to Hicks' office.

"Chris, I got a call from the Police Commissioner that some big LAPD donor caught wind of a drug smuggler, and the PC has asked SWAT to handle the case and give this big money guy the finest treatment. Since you're the captain and acting team leader of 20 Squad, I think you guys should take the case," Hicks disclosed.

"Sure, what details do we have on the drug smuggler?" Chris questioned.

"The donor is coming in to brief us. He should be here any second," Hicks replied and checked his watch.

Then, they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," Hicks answered the knock and walked towards the door.

The door opened and the man walked in.

"Hello, I'm Commander Hicks, it's a pleasure to meet you," Hicks said kindly and shook hands with the man.

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