14. Junior

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Chris and Street were attempting to unpack in their new house. Chris was standing in the kitchen looking through the cabinets. Street was standing in the living room staring at a few boxes.

"Babe, which box has the waffle iron in it?" Street asked.

"You're gonna make me waffles?" Chris asked.

"Sure, if you want, but I'm actually looking for my red basketball shorts, and I packed them in the box with the waffle iron," Street explained.

"Seriously, amor? You do realize we haven't finished unpacking, because you didn't listen when I told you to sort and organize before packing!" Chris nagged.

"I know. I know. I'm sorry. I swear, we'll be completely unpacked by the end of the weekend," Street promised.

"We better be...I think the waffle iron is in a box upstairs. I can go check," Chris said and walked upstairs.


Street walked in to Chris' office, but instead of finding his girlfriend, he saw a man standing near the desk.

"Oscar? What are you doing so far away from the K-9 unit?" Street asked happily.

"Street! Good to see you! I'm actually here to talk to Chris. Do you know where she is?" Oscar inquired.

"Not sure, actually. Is there something I can help you with?" Street wondered.

"It's not work related. I just got some news a bit ago, and I wanted to let Chris know," Oscar answered.

"What kind of news?" Street asked.


Street was packing up in the locker room. "Hey, Luca, I was wondering if you could give me a ride?" Street inquired.

"You've been living together for a week, and Chris is already sick of you?" Tan teased.

"No, I told her to head home without me. I need to pick up a surprise for Chris," Street explained.

"Dude, she hates surprises!" Luca insisted.

"Actually, she hates YOUR surprises. She likes when I surprise her. When I gave her skydiving lessons, you should have seen the look on her face, and this surprise? It's gonna blow her mind!" Street shared excitedly.

"Or, you could end up sleeping on the couch," Tan jested.

"I have faith in my boy here. Let's go pick up the surprise for your woman," Luca said and motioned for him and Street to exit the locker room.


"Honey, I'm home," Street called standing at the threshold of the front door.

Chris walked over to the entrance and stared at Street curiously.

"You have that look on your face. What's going on?" Chris asked.

Street shrugged and turned to look behind him. "Come inside," he commanded.

A German Shepard ran into the house and immediately approached Chris. She bent down to pet him, and he licked her face.

"Hey, buddy," Chris said to the dog happily. "Did you seriously get us a dog?" Chris asked.

"Oscar from the K-9 unit stopped by HQ earlier and told me that this guy got injured on his first week on the job. The dog's hip is fine now, but he's no longer fit for K-9, and Oscar said he was looking to find the newly retired dog a new home. I thought we'd be the perfect fit," Street explained.

Chris was beaming and Street knelt down to pet the dog, too.

"What's his name?" Chris asked.

"He was named after a legendary police dog. This is Champ Junior," Street said gently.

Chris looked at Street in disbelief and then looked at the dog. "Hi, Champ," Chris said with tears in her eyes. Champ licked her face.

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