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• third person •

"Master Crepus! Master Crepus!"

The red-haired man slowly turned, his eyes slightly wide. "Yes?" His shoulders raised. "Oh! Hello there!"

"Sorry I'm late," the maid before him gasped out, a small child clutching her neck tightly as she held her. "My husband has been sent on an emergency business trip for a few months and I have no one to take care of her. If it's okay can she just play with the boys while I work?"

Crepus' eyes lit up. "Of course! Do you need time off? That's perfectly fine by me."

The maid shook her head rapidly. "It's okay. Thank you for your trouble, Master." She bowed her head quickly, her small daughter simply staring at the young man with wide eyes.

"Well, just let me know if you need anything. Here, shall I take her to the boys? Jean is over too, so she'll be able to settle right in with them. I'm sure they'll welcome her in with open arms."

Carefully, the maid passed her daughter into Crepus' hold, a relieved smile spreading across her lips. "Thank you so much, Master Crepus. I'll get to work straight away!"

"You be a good girl and get along with Young Master Diluc and Kaeya and Jean, okay? Mommy will see you soon," she spoke to her daughter, pressing her finger upon her small nose. Her daughter giggled softly, before nodding, clutching Crepus to hold onto his large stature.

"Go easy on yourself. You can always check up on her whenever you want to." Crepus chuckled. "I'll take her up now."

Both mother and daughter waved quick goodbyes to each other, before Crepus began to carry the little girl up the wooden stairs of the winery.

"Is Diluc and Kaeya and Jean kind like you?" she asked as Crepus brought her across the top floor.

Crepus let out a hearty laugh. "Oh, they're very kind. But if anyone says anything mean, just find me and tell me okay? And, could you do me a tiny favour?"

The young girl blinked in curiosity.

"Be extra kind to Kaeya for me, yeah? He's the one with the eyepatch. He's new here in Mondstadt."

Crepus grinned as she beamed. "Okay, I will!" she exclaimed.

"That's a good girl. Here we are!"

Carefully, Crepus put the little girl down, placing her tiny hand into his. Slowly, he pushed open the door, a wide smile on his lips to find his favourite kids simply colouring on the floor. All three of them simultaneously looked up when the door opened.

The red-haired kid instantly sprawled up onto his feet, grabbing his sheet of paper.

"Dad, look! Look what I drew! It's an eagle!" he shouted excitedly.

The little girl glanced at the paper.

...He's not very good at drawing... Looks like a bunch of scribbles...

"Oohh!! Very nice Diluc! Very nice! What about you two?"

The blonde-haired girl lifted her paper. "I drew the Anemo Archon!"

Red person should learn from her.

"Beautiful! Very nice, Jean!" Crepus exclaimed. "What about you, Kaeya?"

The small girl holding Crepus' hand allowed her gaze to fall upon the blue-haired boy, a white eyepatch covering his right eye. He blinked, before his little face reddened.


Slowly, Kaeya turned his paper around.

"It's Diluc and Jean and me..." he mumbled.

maid • kaeyaWhere stories live. Discover now