The Test and the Wake

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Frankie made her way to the Independence Inn one evening after her lessons with Ms. Patty, only to encounter a very sullen Sookie and Rory.

"You guys good?" she asked, grabbing some chocolate from the container in Rory's hands.

"Bad grade," Rory replied sadly.

"Bad review," muttered Sookie, not looking up from the magazine.

"Got it. Well, I'm gonna head home. Tell mom I stopped by?"

"I'll come with you. I need to start studying." Rory placed the chocolate container down and picked up her bags, following Frankie out of the kitchen.

"Bye, Sookie! Feel better!" Frankie called over her shoulder, only to receive a half-hearted wave in response.

As soon as the twins entered the house, Rory sat down at the kitchen table and began studying for her big English test. Frankie admired her sister's dedication to her studies, she just could never have the same drive for academics.

Lorelai eventually came home, changed into more comfortable clothes, and settled in front of the TV. Frankie sat down beside her mother with a box of Pop Tarts, flipping through the channels.

"News is on," Lorelai called to the kitchen.

"One sec," Rory called back, nose deep in her textbooks.

"For our top story tonight, a grisly, horrible thing happened in a small town where no grisly, horrible things ever happen," Frankie said, giving her best imitation of a news anchor.

Rory tried her best to ignore her sister and mother, but when Lorelai came barging into the kitchen demanding ice cream and attention, Rory had to pay attention.

"If you let me study now, I'll play with you this weekend," Rory bribed her mother.


"Yes. We can do anything you want."

Frankie laughed as they discussed the shoe sale that Lorelai wanted to go to. As she was getting ready to head to bed, Rory got up from the kitchen table and slammed her bedroom door closed.

"What did you do?"

"I just asked where we landed on the ice cream issue," Lorelai stated with a shrug.

Frankie rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Goodnight, crazy."

The following morning, Frankie met up with Kayla at the gazebo, and the two friends walked around the town square, putting up flyers that Kayla had made about saving the turtles.

"You think people actually read these?" Frankie mused as she hung a poster up on lamppost.

"I hope so. Otherwise, what the hell I am doing all this for?" Kayla chuckled, taping the edges of a poster to the wall of a building.


The two girls turned towards the voice, looking up to see Dean standing in front of them.

"Dean," Frankie said coolly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh, you're the guy!" Kayla exclaimed as she reached out for Dean's hand. "I think we actually have a few classes together. I'm Kayla."

"Dean. Nice to meet you."

"What can I do for you, Dean?" Frankie asked, unamused.

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