14 || Whispers

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12:15 P.M. || Mustafu, Japan || U.A. High School - Hallways

"What the-"

Whisper. Whisper. Whisper.

"That thing is huge."

Whisper. Whisper. Whisper.

"How is she carrying that?"

Whisper. Whisper. Whisper.


Y/N was walking through the halls. Her uniform neat, hair out of her face, stance straight. Everything was okay to her.

But to everyone else, something was wrong.

A giant white ax--Witchcraft, was strapped to her back. The thing scraped against the floor, gaining her a lot of attention. The giant thing was kind of hard to miss.

"Um... Y/N?" A familiar voice called out to her. She turned, slicing the window as she did. Midoriya was standing in front of her, his eyes on the white ax. "What's that?"

"This is Witchcraft--my ax." She answered. 

"Uh, okay. But... why is it so big?" He asked her confusedly.

"Hmm. I do not know. It was a gift from Major. Perhaps if I contact it's blacksmith, maybe they may be able to tell." She told him. 

"Why'd you bring it to school?"

"I was worried it would get stolen if I let it at Ms. Lucia's house. It was already held captive by some blowhard once, never again." She said in a dead serious tone, making him sweatdrop.

"O-Okay." Midoriya looked at her curiously. He was sure of it now. That ax--Bonecrusher had it. Bonecrusher must be the blowhard she was talking about. The person who defeated him was unknown, but he knew it was her. "Hey... Y/N?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Did... Did you def-"

"Whoa, Y/N! Where'd you get the battle ax?!"

Guess it'll have to wait for another day.

12:20 P.M. || Mustafu, Japan || U.A. High School - Principal Nezu's Office

"But...! Witchcraft!"

All Might was barely able to drag the white ax away from the floor, let alone away from Y/N who was watching with sheer disappointment on her face as she watched the man struggle to pull her precious weapon away.

"Sorry, Ms. Evergarden, but we can't have you carrying around such weapons at school! Best pick it up at the end of the day!" Principal Nezu told her with a cheeky attitude.

"Don't worry, Y/N, I'll bring it to you when school is over." All Might reassured her. She hesitantly nodded. She wished her beautiful ax being pulled away by five different people as All Might inflated. She sighed.

"Yes, sir."

12:46 P.M. || Mustafu, Japan || U.A. High School - General Department, Class 1-C

"Ugh, the Sports Festival is coming up." 

Whisper. Whisper. Whisper.

"Those Class 1-A kids are gonna slaughter us."

Whisper. Whisper. Whisper.

"Do think I can play sick?"

Whisper. Whisper. Whisper.


Nom. Nom. Nom.

Y/N was sitting in the back, munching away of her little snack. All Might had bought her one as an apology for taking her ax away. She was still a little upset about it, but food made her at ease. She didn't even try to hide it.

He couldn't help but smile at the solider girl. His gaze locked onto her as she stared out the window thinking of something totally random. A shade of pink painted his cheeks as Hitoshi Shinsou stared at Y/N.

"Oi, Shinsou! Who got you smiling like that?"

The lavendar haired boy turned to see two wide smirks.

"Y/N? Hmm, interesting! Never thought that that was your type, Shinsou!" One teased.

"Good choice~ Hahaha!"

He rolled his eyes at their teasing. His face was slightly pink with embarrassment. He didn't even know her. She was just cute. End of story.

But then again... how come she looked slightly familiar?

12:52 P.M. || Mustafu, Japan || U.A. High School - Halls

Y/N walked through the halls and turned the corner to see a crowd of students in front Class 1-A, trying to scout their competition. With a shrug of carelessness, she started to make her way through the crowd.

"Oi! Bakugou!" A shout came from the room.

"He's gonna make so many enemies so fast! Bakugou!" 

A shoulder bumped Y/N's.

"Get out of my way, extra!" A harsh voice yelled at her. She glanced up at him in immetidate recognition.

"Blonde boy." She stated.

"What the hell- It's you, the robot!" Bakugou yelled in her face. He remembered her. How could he forget the girl with the metal hands and monotonous attitude?

Chatter went through the crowd.

"...'Blond boy'...?"

"And don't forget about 'Robot'."

Y/N looked at him, not even hearing the comments in the crowd. That's when it hit her; he destroyed her gloves. She frowned at him almost immetidately.

"Why the hell are you making that face at me, Robot?!" He yelled.

"You ripped my gloves."


"Hmph." She huffed, leaving him in utter shock and rage as this girl just walked past him as if he was never there. Damn robot... she was annoying then and she's annoying now!

"Don't 'hmph' me! Get your ass back here right now!" He shouted at her, who just kept walking. He growled as he walked up to her and grabbed her shoulder, harshly. He clearly forgot what happened last time-


Next thing he knew is that he was on the ground and his back hurt. He snarled at the girl above him. He wasn't dreaming--that girl is still as strong as she was last time.

Chatter spread through the crowds.

"That girl just flipped him over...!"

"Whoa! How strong is this girl?"

Y/N bit her lip as she looked down at him. She felt bad. It's just... when she feels the harsh intentions, she can't help but flip them over. She still needs more training.

"I apologize."

Better get away now.

Y/N picked up the pace as she headed to go find All Might; it was time for Witchcraft's polishing. Plus, based on last time, he's going to be pretty ticked off.


She was right.

She power walked down the hallways as he screamed insults, chasing after her.

Everyone left in the crowd deadpanned as they watched the two disappear around the corner. Can someone explain what just happened?

Todoroki had pushing through the crowds until he heard her voice. She had been there. He had watched. He saw her flip over Bakugou like it was nothing. She was out racing Bakugou with speed walking.

Shinsou stood in the crowd, not having expected Y/N to show up. Much less did he expect her to be strong enough to throw Bakugou. He reflexes were faster than the eye can see. He stared at the corner the two had just passed, thoughts flying through his head.

Is she really quirkless?

Not with strength like that.

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