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After Taylor and I got back from our breakfast date I went and started to get Cadence ready for the day. She was still asleep when I got back to the hotel.

"Wake up sweetie. We have to get ready for Magcon day one!" I say shaking Cadence.

"Okay..." she says. I picked her up and put her in the bathroom and stripped her. I put her in the bath and washed her hair and body. I took her out and dried her off. I picked out a green shirt and a purple skater skirt. I put her in white sandals. then I brushed out her blonde hair. I then blowed dried her hair and braided it in a fish tail braid. Then I sat her on my bed and turned on Sesame Street. She was pretty much zoned into the tv so I went and grabbed a blue pair of high waisted shorts, a blue and white striped shirt and white vans. I sorta looked like a sailor. I then pulled half of my hair up and put the top half in a messy bun and the rest was down. I added a white bow and then took a picture with Cadence and said 'Magcon with my girl' and posted it on Twitter.

After awhile I got a Twitter notification from Taylor.

'Actuality Magcon with my Girlz'

I giggled at his comment.

I got some competition I see.'

Shit. I like Cameron but I like Taylor. Taylor is my babys father. Cameron I just meet this week.

"C'mon Cadence, let's go to Magcon!" I say grabbing her hand.


I left about an hour early because I didn't want to get mobbed by the crazy fans. all the boys weren't there yet when Cadence and I arrived. I mean we didn't have to go anywhere besides in this ball room area on the first floor. Cadence was dancinh around on the stage while I was pretending to sing into the mic. I was singing but not to my full ability.

"Oh my goodness! you are an amazing singer!" I turn my head to see Shawn and Jack Johnson listening to me sing.

"um I don't sing." I say.

"sure you dont" Jack Gilinsky says as he turns the corner coming into the stage.

"I swear. I only sing as a joke." I say with my hands on my hips.

"we'll practice so you can sing at our shows." I nodded my head.

I went back to messing around with Cadence except this time Shawn was singing and I was dancing with Cadence. the Jacks were eating and then the rest of the boys came.

"you ready?" Cam put his hand on my shoulder.

"nervous." that's all I feel and could say.

"it's all for the best." I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"okay so I'm gonna have mahogany dj to get the crowd then announce everybody's name." Bart says. "then you guys can take the show from there."

"whoever gets the most amount of screams when there name gets called wins a date with me." I say. just a challenge for everyone.

Everyone started to smile except Taylor and Cam. They just stared at each other like it was a video game.

"Hey earth to Cam." Nash says waving his hand in his face.

"It's a light competition. Okay? you don't have to get pissed yet." Hayes says.

I chuckled because he really wants to win me over. So far neither of them are doing hot.

Then you could hear the girls screaming and yelling as they swarm into the ballroom.

mahogany walked onto the stage and started to play music. Then called the names. First:

Cameron Dallas, a whole bunch of screams came from girls everywhere.

Nash Grier, about the same amount as Cam. This is gonna be tuff.

Matthew Espinosa, Another big group of screams but not as much as Cam and Nash.

Shawn Mendas, That right there hurt my ears. Shawn had the most at the moment. Sorry Cam.

Carter Reynolds, He has more posters held up then screams.

Aaron Carpenter, it wasn't a lot but it wasn't enough to beat Shawn.

Taylor Caniff, he had as much as Cameron, but didn't meet Shawns.

Hayes Grier, it was pretty much all high pitched screams from younger girls.

Jack Gilinsky, goodness my eardrums bursted.

Jack Johnson, never mind my ears fell off. Jack won.

Cadence Skye, she nearly fell running to Taylor. She had a bunch of awes more then screams

Emmy Skye, I had screams but not a lot.

I took the mic from Mahogany.

"And the winner is..." the crowd looked confused and the boys all held hands. even Cadence held hands. "Jack Johnson!" I looked at Taylor and mouthed 'sorry'.

"I have you all day tomorrow." he walked over to me and whispered in my ear only for me to hear.

shivers took over my spin. I froze.

we pretty much screwed around on stage.

after about an hour of that they made everyone go into another room and wait for us to set up for the meet and greet portion of the Magcon.

"Okay so since there is a bunch of girls we had to pair you up with a partner so that meet and greets go faster." Bart tells us.

"So the groups are:
Jack and Jack,
Shawn and Taylor,
Cam and Nash,
Hayes and Aaron,
Carter and Matt,
Cadence and Emmy and Mahogany.
We put all the girls together to make it easier." Bart says. We all walk to our groups and sit at a table with a whole bunch of stuffs. Pictures of us that we can sign for free and pens and sharpies and extra paper.

"Ready?" I ask Cadence.

"It's scary." She says. I pick her up and sit her on my lap as a bunch of girls run through the door to their favorite boy. some girls come to our table but not a bunch.

"Omg! Your. Emmy. Skye." She says out of breathe from sprinting her to get here first.

"yeah." I say giggling.

"Can I get a picture? With you and Cadence." she asks

"Sure!" I say getting up. By now she was balling her eyes. soon she isn't gonna have enough tears to cry.

We took our pictures and I asked for her Twitter.

"It's @shawnsbaesam" she says.

"so your name is Sam?" I ask.

"Yeah! how'd you- nevermind" Sam says laughing.

"How old are you?" Cadence asks.

"I'm 15." Sam replys.

"Can she babysit me?" Cadence asks me.

"hm, idk, maybe." I say winking at Sam.

The meet and greet went really quick I zoned out when some girls would talk about how I shouldn't have a kid at 17. Most of them told me to get with Taylor. yeah I kinda did want too but I didn't at the same time.

When Cadence and I were walking back to the room so that Cadence could go take a nap I noticed the boys room open. it was Taylors room. I walked in to see Taylor and some girl making out on his bed I grabbed Cadence and ran back to my room. I was crying my eyes out. I was shaking, I didn't even know why. it was weird, I felt like my heart shattered when I saw him.

"mommy, are you okay?" Cadence asked.

"F-fine baby doll." I manage to say.

oh jeez. that was rough. Anyways question of the day:
Who should I write about next?

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