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"You all heard her talking to me in such a manner and no one is saying anything " The Queen was baffled. She expected her husband or her son to defend her but no one did. It is so shocking to witness this betrayal among her family members

Zion didn't say anything instead his head was facing the table before him. He too has had enough of his mom's shenanigans. It's so frustrating every time.

This whole thing is just too funny for Ella. She didn't want the Queen to be looked down on. If she was in her positing right now, she would also feel betrayed so her conscience kept judging her. She knew she was only defending herself but she still felt the need to apologize.

" I'm sorry," she said surprising everyone in the room " I was tired of the way you keep talking to me. It hurts my feelings too and I felt the need to defend myself " she explained.

The queen glared at her " I don't need your apology." She snapped then made her way upstairs.

Funny enough her friend didn't follow her, she was sitting in her seat enjoying her meal. It sounds as if they all were tired of her. She kept getting on everyone's nerves so this was what they needed. They needed someone to put her in her place.

" I know I caused this. I apologize" Ella said.

Xander snorted" You don't need to be sorry. You were only defending yourself and that was it "

Zion also agreed with her same with the former king. Even the queen's friend.

" She can be so hard to bear with. "

They all enjoyed their meal. A few minutes later the former king, Xander, and Zion all went to the questioning room to see how things were going over there. It turned out Sandra spilled a lot of things after the torture she went through.

.Ella went looking for Jeanette. She has been I'm so busy today. She asked around and she was told that she was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for some visitors. Some visitors came earlier to spend the night in the place. This pack seemed to welcome a lot of people because of how big it was.

This must be the reason why the rogues of yesterday have the gut to come into the place, Ella thought to herself. This is one thing she needs to take into consideration.

The first thing she needs to do is to stop Zion from allowing strangers into the pack. This is only bringing more problems to the pack. She understood he was only doing his job as King Alpha. It's hard to look down on your people but that needs to be put into consideration. This same werewolf he was helping is hurting the pack too and sooner enough the pack members will begin to talk. This won't turn out well if this attack keeps on happening.

Ella couldn't help all the thoughts. They kept on coming. She saw the werewolf she was looking for. Jeanette looks so drained from afar.

Ella used that moment to study her. She wiped a tear. Was Jeanette hurt? She asked herself.

She knew Jeanette went through a lot. She had gone through a lot while she was young. what could be wrong with her?

" Jeanette?" She called out and the latter wiped her tears immediately.

" Luna" she bowed

Ella rolled her eyes " Just call me Ella"

" I'm sorry I can't. You are the Luna and you need some respect " Jeanette said.

Ella didn't want to argue with her because she knew that she would keep dragging the subject unit she gets tired of arguing.

" What happened to you?"

" Nothing, why?"

" You look so pale. Are you sure you are alright?"

" I'm fine. You have nothing to worry about "

" Of course, I need to worry about you. You need to stop hiding things from me. I'm your friend and a problem shared is half solved"

Jeanette thought for a second about whether to tell her or not but with so much persuasion, she considered telling her.

" There is something you don't know "

Ella furrowed her brows confused " What is that?"

" The fact that I have a mate who abuses me all the time " she revealed.

Ella couldn't believe her ears. She wasn't expecting this at all.

" Are you kidding me right now?"

" No" she shook her head " I'm not. This has been happening for a while now. I tried hard to hide it but it keeps worsening with each passing day."

" Who the hell is he? He needs to be taught a lesson. I'm sick and tired of hearing stuff like this. No lady is brought to this world to be miserable. It's so unfair on you and your mentality"

" I know he would change " Jeanette tried saying

" I'm sorry but you are not talking sense. This whole habit of living with an abuser with the hope that he would change is stupid. You need to be fair with yourself. You were not brought to this earth to suffer so why stay with someone who only wants to ruin your sanity? This is so unfair"

She shook her head " I'm trying hard to fight this. I don't want to be the lady with a lot of males around. "

" Who said anything about having lots of males around you? You aren't a prostitute and no one will judge you that way if that is what you are insinuating " Ella tried to make her see reason.

" But I like him"

" you like him not love him"

Jeanette let out a loud sigh. She was confused about what to do. This whole thing makes her so confused and also makes her lose focus.

Most of her colleagues are beginning to notice too. She knew she needed to stop this toxic relationship of theirs. It's not helping out in any way. It's only draining her energy in the hardest way.

She can't keep living like a miserable wolf. She promised herself that she would always stay far away from any toxic relationship.

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