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I glared hard at Xander's smirking face. He never misses a chance to annoy me, I'm sure he is happy to see me this way.

I was surprised when my Beta came to inform me about what transpired. Xander permitted some wolves to come to tour that palace. For goodness sake, when did this place turn into a tourist center? I'm sure he did that to get me angry and he achieved it.

I'm the alpha but why is he finding it hard to obey my command?

" What the hell is wrong with you Xander!"

" Hey don't yell at me. I'm not one of your dogs" he said cocking a brow

I rubbed the bridge of my nose in frustration" You've crossed the boundary this time "

" So what? What will you do?"

" I'll seem to it that you get punished one way or the other. This stupid attitude of yours needs to stop. I've had enough of your nonsense. It reaches to this extent" I gritted out.

Xander chuckled "You don't know what I'm made of Zion, remember I've been away for a while now and I'm back to get what belongs to me. This is just the beginning of your downfall. More is coming just keep an eye watch." He left after saying that.

I felt stupid not being able to do something. My eyes stared at his retreating till he disappeared. I can't allow this to go far. This must end immediately before the pack members will begin to question what is going on. I need to do something fast.



I stared at the phone happily and dialed my mom's number. I felt so happy when it rang but then again there was no response. I was confused. Mom is always with her phone so why isn't she picking up?

I tried calling her line again but the same thing happened. She isn't picking up. I groaned out loud in annoyance. She needs to pick up fast.

I moved from foot to foot worried about what might have happened to her. I need to go see her. I can't stay locked up here forever.

I tried thinking of a plan but none was coming. My head is so blank that I can't even think of anything.

I exhaled loudly then tried calling again with crossed fingers. It rang the first time, but no one picked the same with the second and then the third, she finally answered.

I almost screamed in joy.

" Hello," my mom's horse voice said into the phone. She must be sleeping if I'm not mistaken.

" Mom! It's me Ella" I said happily

" Ella? Where are you? I've waited a long for your arrival but you still haven't returned. Please where are you dear?"

I felt really bad hearing her pain " Mom.

," Please talk to me dear"

" I was kidnapped"

She gasped " What?! How? When? Tell me you are joking please"

" I wish. I need you to help me contact the police. You can track the number I called you with. Please be fast about it. These people are monsters' moms, they claim they are werewolves or something. I can't stay here, please come get me "

Mom's long silence worries me a lot " I'll get straight to it dear. I'll come to get you out of there " she said.

My nerves were calmed. Happy that she knows my predicament  " Please hurry up".

" Be safe for me Ella, please"

I heard the sound of footsteps getting closer. This doesn't look good at all " Mom someone is by the door, I need to end the call before they catch me." I pressed the end immediately and at that moment, the door was opened by a disheveled-looking Zion.

He stared at me for a while I guess wondering why I was standing " What happened? You don't like the food?"

I shook my head so fast " No! I love them. They are delicious "

He smiled but it was forced. Zion didn't say more instead he went straight to the restroom to take a shower. He must have gone for a morning run.

I hid the phone in my jean trousers, from the inside though. I was putting on a pair of blue jeans, well found them in the wardrobe and since I have no clothes with me, I picked them out.

I need to get ready before the police arrive. I need to escape this place today and nothing can stop me.

I sat back on the bed ready to have some taste of the delicious-looking food. It'll look suspicious if I don't eat out of it. Zion can. Easily predict when someone is lying or telling the truth. I don't want to be his scale goat today

I poured some coffee into my mug. What is a beautiful morning without a coffee? Coffee is life. My love for it has gone extreme.

I moan softly when the warm liquid substance touches my lips and it tastes like heaven. A smile graced my lip "Ah*

I heard the tap goes off. Zion must have finished taking his bath. He walked out of the restroom shirtless and with a towel wrapped around him.

I Swallowed hard to see his beautiful packs in full display. This man is going to be the death of me.

I didn't know I was starting hard until I heard his voice.

" You can lecture ree. It'll last longer." He smirked. I would have swooned if I wasn't in this situation right now.

Zion cocked a brow " Love, I know you want all this to yourself"

I scoffed " In your dreams. I've seen much better than yours"

He glared " Stop saying that in front of me. You are meant to appreciate mine alone and no one else"

This must have hurt his male ego. I smiled secretly. Good for him. " look I'm not in for all this nonsense, just let me go, please. I'm sure you'll find someone who truly loves you"

Zion growled "You are the only woman for me and nothing else can take that away"

I snorted "We both know that we can't last together so why bother yourself forcing a relationship that won't even last"

" This is left  for fate to decide."

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