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My mouth was wide agape. How can someone be so handsome even in a moment like this? I swallowed. Zion smirked at me. Need I remind you that this man was shirtless? He stood tall in only his trousers. His pack was screaming to be touched.

I couldn't take my eyes away from that I didn't know when he was standing so close to me. He clicked his fingers in my face bringing me out of my thought.

" You can take a picture love, they last much longer" He winked and I blushed so hard.

" Oh please. I wasn't staring"

Zion chuckled " You were staring and even salivating "

I was rendered speechless " You're lying, I wasn't salivating "

" But I saw you swallowing hard. Who cares by the way? All this " he said pointing at his body " Is all yours, babe, and no one else"

" Not even Sandra's," I said just to rile him up and man was I right.

Zion's mood changed immediately " Are we back to this now?
I shrugged then folded my arms " You can't blame me"

He gave me a look and then said " I'd love to argue about this but right now we need to move fast. More of that rogues are coming. "

Then I realized I didn't ask him how the fight went. I was busy gawking at him. I felt embarrassed.

" So how was the fight?" I asked stupidly and Zion raised a brow but answered.

" I was able to kill them all"

I shuddered at the thought. It seems killing was a normal word used by werewolves. Zion noticed my discomfort so he held me around my waist they kissed my forehead.

" Nothing will happen to you while I'm alive," He said but it held a promise that I want to hold on to.

We started at each other then I realized that I truly loved this man so badly. I love him so much that I don't know what I'll do if something happens to him. My eyes were connected to his and vice versa.

" I love you" I blurted out and I meant it.

Zion looks surprised " I love you more love "

We were chest to chest and with every heaving of his chest, does mine too.

" I know we started on the wrong foot but then again I realize how much you mean to me. You're the only man that was able to capture my heart. You mean the world to me, Zion. I don't want to ever lose you" I hugged him so tight.

He wrapped his arms around me "I too love. You mean the world to me "

" Well! Well well, isn't this lovely? I love this reunion"

We heard a voice say from behind and I could feel Zion's body becoming stiff. I tried pushing away from him but he held on tighter. I wanna know who it was.

" Stay put" Zion whispered and I complied.

We had rogues surrounding us and I was so scared by how deadly they looked. Their fangs were out.

I held Zion so tight and I know he felt how scared I was.

" What do you want?" He asked the man

The man who talked earlier laughed, a sadist one at that " We're here to get her and you know it"

" But you can't get her " Zion taunted

" The alpha needs her "

" Then tell the alpha to come to get her himself, " Zion said and the man grew angry because I could hear him growl out.

" You don't wanna mess with the Alpha," the man said.

" You don't wanna mess with me too" Zion growled out.

"We are not here to fight you, just hand her over to us "

" What if I don't?" Zion taunted

They blared their fangs out.

" Don't disobey the alpha. We won't hesitate to tear you to pieces"

" Let me see you try then," Zion said  then he yelled " NOW!"

Then suddenly he fell us on the ground just then we heard a stake being shot from nowhere. The rogues fell to the floor as the stake passed through their chests. Zion was on top of me and I was shaken up with fear.

Then suddenly everywhere was quiet. Zion pushed himself up and also helped me up. " Everything will be alright," he said as he pecked my forehead once more and I nodded.

I hugged him so right " Thanks for saving me "

He chuckles " You don't need to thank me, love. I will always save you because you are my life"


We heard someone clearing their throat then we saw Alex, Stella, and some other warriors. They were the ones that saved us.

Stella came to hug me " I was so scared something might have happened to you"

I smiled " I have Zion here so nothing can ever happen to me "

Alex chuckled " Don't be too cheesy. But we just saved your asses"

Zion glared at him " No swearing words "

" Sir yes sir"

Stella hit his arm a little " Stop it "

" But how did you know we were here? " I asked surprised.

" All thanks to the Alpha. He mind-linked Alex about his whereabouts and luckily for us, we were already looking for you guys so it was easier to get here on time " Stella explain

"You're my lifesaver "  I kissed Zion on the lips " I love you"

The warriors cleared their throats embarrassed to witness this moment. I didn't know where all the nerves come from but I don't give a damn. I smiled up at Zion and he also smiled down at me.

" Is someone eager to have me in bed?" he teased and I hit him on his arm slightly

" Ok, enough of the lovey-dovey moment. We have people coming after us. We better get going " Alex finally said.

Zion cleared his throat before talking " Yes, please. We need to find a safe place to stay for the night and also to discuss our next move "

" Yes, you're right. We need to eat too" Alex said " We brought food along with us "

" Foodie " Stella muttered

" I heard that "He shot her a playful glare

" You were meant to hear it anyway" She shrugged.

These two can be something else at times. I love their ship and I must see to it that it sinks.

Caged by the alphaWhere stories live. Discover now