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Sandra is a whole hell of trouble. I know I say that often but this time I mean it with everything in me. What happened was after we were done with breakfast obviously without Zion, Luna, and her husband left immediately followed by Xander.

Just when I was about to take my leave, she called my name and I turn to answer" Yes?"

Sandra motioned for me to sit down and I sat down just because I thought the conversation would be a nice one not knowing that it was going to end badly.

" What do you think? Zion will never go for a girl like you" she sneered.

I didn't give her the satisfaction of seeing the hurt look on my face instead I smiled " Then what kind of girl does he go for? You? Then you must be joking ".

Sandra was mad with my come back " You're just a human and in a matter of time he'll toss you aside. "

"Last I checked, his love for me kept on growing with each passing day so tell me when he'll finally toss me aside. I'm his woman here and not you so stop having hopes in something that will never happen. You are only jealous he chose me over you" I smirked.

" You don't know what you're talking about " she whispered and yelled.

I folded my arms with a raised brow " Of course, I know what I'm talking about. I feel pity for you. Who goes after her dead sister's Fiance? You of course. I'm sure your sister must be sad seeing all this from wherever she is right now " I tutted.

" Stop talking. You don't know what you're saying" She was getting more riled up and that makes me happy that I had the upper hand.

I chuckled " Don't start what you can't finish. I'm not the one you can mess with Sandra, just because I'm a human doesn't mean I'm a weakling."

." Just watch your back" she threatened

" I'm always watching my back from people like you anyways. " I winked

Sandra was in front in an instant. Her claws were out ready to attack but I was fast to move away. She came at me again but this time around we heard footsteps our way. Sandra quickly lay on the floor making me confused. What the hell was she doing on the floor?

Just when I was about to ask her, Zion stepped into the dining.

" What's going on here?" He asked confused.

" I don't...

" She pushed me " Ella cut me off. She lied.

"What?" Zion asked unbelievably.

Ella groaned as if she was in pain while I stood speechless not understanding the games she was playing at.

" Just because I tried apologizing over what happened the other day, she went crazy on me and attacked me. I was just as surprised as you are right now" She explained wiping away fake tears

" Please don't believe her Zion. I didn't push her" I tried explaining myself.

Zion was angry. If looks could kill I would have been 6ft underground. Why does he believe her over me? I'm his girlfriend. Shouldn't I own his trust?"

" Zion you know I hate violence. I know it was so wrong of me to act that way the other day. This was why I decided to patch things up by apologizing then imagine my surprise when this happened" She got up dusting her body.

" Ella to your room now " be ordered.

" But I didn't d...

" I said to your room" he looked really serious so I knew not to disobey him

" I'm only going because I want to not because you ordered me to go" I pouted.

Sandra smiled secretly and I knew this was part of her plans to make Zion see me as a bad person. What she doesn't know is, that two can play the game. Just because she won today doesn't mean I won't win next time. I don't back down that easily. She better be prepared for what's about to come.

I walked past them and headed straight to my room. I bounced the door so loud that the wall made a sound. I was too angry to hold it in. No one messes with me like that. She needs to be taught a lesson

Just when I thought my day would go smoothly then this happened. I heard a knock on the door.

" Who is it?"

" It's I miss Ella"

Kate said from outside. I was so happy knowing that she was finally here. This girl always goes missing all the time. She doesn't come to check on me like before. I bet having a full-time job must be stressful for her.

" Come in"

She pushed the door inside and came in together with a lady. They share some familiarities. Could she be her sister or something?

Judging from the confused look on my face Kate giggled " Don't get confused. She's my cousin. The one I told you about "

I nodded in understanding "Oh wow. For a second I thought you'd forgotten about me. You told me you'd bring her yesterday but you never came "

" We came " Kate answered making the other lady let out a giggle " You were kind of busy so we went back"

I was confused. Last I checked I wasn't busy with anything so what was she talking about " But I wasn't busy "

" Oh, you were. You and the alpha " Kate teased then realization dawned on me. I never knew we were so loud.

" Oh"

" This was why we left to give you some privacy. "

" oh okay," I hide a blush." Please have a seat." I said. They've been standing since.

They sat on the couch. I also went to join them on the couch. My hands were clasped together.

" Miss Ella, here is my cousin Jeanette"

Jeanette bowed and I waved it off " Oh please stop bowing. I'm just an ordinary human and my staying here is just for a matter of time"

" Please don't say that," Kate said sadly " We want someone to like you as Luna, not Sandra. Please stay "

That got to me but they need to understand that I also have a life to live. Staying here is just for a while.

"Moreover the alpha and yourself love each other. Do you think you can stay far away from him?"

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