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I realized my mistake. I shouldn't have mentioned her name. Ella will feel that I'm now comparing the two of them and that's something I'll never do. I blame this on Sandra. She's the reason why this thought came back.

That statement was meant for Sandra and not Ella. I came right up to this room to wash away the guilt I was feeling from what happened.


I was mad because of what happened. Xander shouldn't have said000 it that way. I am the only one entitled to tell her first and not him. He's done more damage already.

I ran after Sandra. She was so fast that it was really hard to catch up with her. Sandra finally made a stop when she got to the far end of the palace. I was happy she stopped.

" What do you have to say, Zion? It's just two years now and you've already found a mate? How do you think Hailey would feel? This isn't right at all" she vents.

I rubbed my face out of frustration " It came so suddenly and out of my control. I have no control over what I feel Sandra. It came as a surprise to me too when I found my second mate "

" Stop calling her that. She can never be compared to Hailey" she practically yelled.

I was getting annoyed already with her attitude " This is the right time for me to move on. I've waited long enough and you know that "

She pushed her hair behind her ear, something Hailey loves doing " I'm not saying you shouldn't have a mate "

" Then what are you saying?"

" All I'm saying is, why her? Why a human? There are lots of beautiful she-wolves around you, so why go for someone like her? She isn't as beautiful. Gush, she isn't even your type"

This conversation was getting me  Then what is my type?"

" You've always wanted a tall, fair, and sexy lady. Someone strong, someone with the bloodline, someone who isn't a human"

" I still don't remember telling you that these things you mentioned are the attributes I want in a human. You can't decide for me. You are just Hailey's sister and I see you as my little sister too" I said

A hurt look passed through her eyes " Do I mean nothing to you?"

" Of course you mean something"

" But a sister right?" She said sadly.

What the hell is she driving at? Why are women always confusing? She was looking at me as if I'd said something so bad.

" Of course "

Sandra laughed and then took a deep breath. She walked closer to me, she was so close that I could feel her breath.

" What are you doing Sandra?"

She smiled " Something I should have done long ago " She stood on her tiptoed and kissed me.

I couldn't move, I stood wide eyes. I pushed her away on instinct" What the hell Sandra! What do you think you are doing "

She has unshed tears in her eyes." I love you, Zion. I've always loved you. Please give me a chance to prove my love to you "

I pushed her away the second time " Don't come anymore closer. I'm sure you don't want me to do something we'll both regret "

" Please don't do this to me. Don't push me away. Hailey will want this too, you know that. She'll be so happy knowing that we are together. Please zion" she held my hand desperately.

I held her on her shoulder " You need to wake up Sandra. This isn't right at all. You have a mate waiting for you somewhere. This thing you want to happen between us can never come to pass. You have so much you can offer but you are just like a sister to me "

She pushed me on the chest " I hate it when you call me a sister. I can never be your sister. Never! I love you so much that It hurts. Your rejection hurts Zion. It hurt a lot"

" I'm sorry but I can't give you what you asked for. I have a mate"

" To hell with your mate. You don't even love her. I know you don't love her. You never liked a human so why now? Why are you now showing interest in a human? Please reject her. I'll be the better woman you want. I'll serve you all my life, please don't hurt me " She was pleased with hot tears pouring down her face.

I held onto her face, wiping tears with my thumb " You are beautiful, intelligent, and hardworking. Any man will always bow down before you and I'm sure you'll meet that kind of man"

" But it's you I want. It's you I want to spend the rest of my life with. I've been feeling this way for you for ages now. I'm tired of always keeping it to myself. Please don't do this to me, I love you, Zion"

I smiled sadly " But I don't love you"

" Your words hurt " she sobbed " They hurt a lot. I've loved you even before you knew Hailey was your crush "

" You were little then, you have no idea how this thing works back then and I'm a lot  than you"

" It doesn't matter. I don't give a damn about the age. What matters is the heart " she placed her hand on my chest " I know you love me more than Hailey back then but you just don't want to say the truth. You always love playing with me anytime you come to visit me over at our house.  "

" I only did that because Hailey wanted me to do so. She always tells me how unhappy you are anytime we leave you alone to play so I promise to do as she says which is why you always see me in your room and nothing else." I explained

" Stop saying it as if you were forced to do so. You are lying! I know you love me but won't say. Please stop hurting me with your words. I can't take it anymore, I can't."

" it's better you stop thinking about the impossible. Get yourself together and stop allowing yourself to get hurt " I advised

"This isn't fair"

" I'll be inside now "I left her standing.



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