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I held on to my chest when the car finally stopped. I was breathing fast trying to contain myself. I glared at a laughing Stella. She didn't even give a damn and it's annoying. How can she not feel bad over what she just did?

" This isn't funny. I almost had a heart attack" I said not funny.

She rolled her eyes " This is my problem with you Ella, you get frightened a lot. It's Halloween girl"

I glared "Let's just get out of the car already"

She giggled "By the way why do you still have your coat on? This is the venue so please pull that thing away. I want to see your dressing "

I rolled my eyes at her and did as told. I turned to look at her and was surprised to see her mouth wide open.

" You've got to be kidding me," she said looking flabbergasted " Is this, my friend? "

I would have laughed at her if I wasn't angry at her. I opened the door and got down. She also got down too.

" Damn girl, I never knew you had it in you" She look me up and down " All the guys are gonna go crazy after seeing you"

" Oh please " I snort.

" I'm damn serious Ella. You look really good. A sexy nurse, I see" she wiggled her brows " This is the Ella I always want to see all the time. You've been hiding all this under those big work dresses of yours"

I felt proud of myself for once. Mom should be thanked for a job well done.

She hooked her hand with mine and together we walked to the hall. A lot of cars were already parked outside indicating that people were inside. Music could be heard from here.

" Don't drawback on the things you want to do Ella. You only live once, YOLO girl"

I inhaled softly with my fingers crossed. I promise to enjoy myself.

" I won't "

She smiled "Good. I won't hesitate to enjoy myself too but please always stay beside me "

I nodded " I will"

" Ok, we can now put our mask on," she said and I did as told.

We walked hand in hand to the entrance. The doorman received my coat and opened the door for us. Stella and I stroll inside.

We were welcomed with soft music playing in the background. The atmosphere felt nice and I'm already loving it.

People were all hanging around having a drink in hand. Everyone is in each of their costumes with a mask covering their face. I breathed in loving the energy that music was giving me.

" This is going to be fun," she said staring at the room as if looking for someone

Stella waved at someone from far behind the room " Come, Ella, let's greet some of my friends over there"

I trailed behind her as we made our way. I'm sure I looked like a lost duck.

We finally stood in front of some fine ''ll-dress guys in suits. Is this some kind of a costume too? Aren't they supposed to be in a costume?

" Look who we have here, Stella," a guy said as he bent to kiss her on the cheek. Stella giggled.

" Fred, it's been a while. How have you been?"

" I've been good "

It's hard to see how he looks since he has a mask on. Everyone has a mask on so what am I even saying?

" Good to hear " he shifts his gaze to me " Who do we have here? "

Stella realized she hadn't introduced us "Oh yeah, this is my best friend Ella"

" What a nice name," he said

It seems the other guys were too preoccupied with something important. They seem to be engaged in a deep conversation, making me want to know what it is about.

Stella slightly hit me to bring my attention back. I realized I hadn't said hello to her friend " Hi"

Fred raised a brow" Just hi?"

I blushed. What does he have me say then?

" Never seem a sexy girl as yours around here," he said

Stella came to my rescue "That's because she doesn't go out much so please don't try flirting with my friend if you don't want me to tell Jasmine about it "

" Jasmine? " I didn't expect it to come out loud.

" Jasmine is his mat... his girlfriend"

I felt as if she was trying to say something different and then quickly cover it up. They shared a look making me suspicious.

" Oh okay"

" Where is Alex? I haven't seen that big head for a while now.

Fred chuckled " You should know how business-minded he is especially when he is around Alp... Erm..... Zion"

Okay, what is going on? Why do I feel as if they are hiding something from me?

" Oh okay," she said.

Fred rubbed his neck "Erm ladies, I think I'll excuse you. I need to welcome some friends over there"

" Sure, you're quite excused, " I said

He smirked "You're different from the rest. I like you already"

I chuckled "Okay"

" Oh please just go away already stop flirting with my friend " Stella yelled and I chuckled.

He huffs "So I can't joke around "

" When it's my friend involved you can't," she said defensively.

" Gosh, learn to calm down at times " he pouted.

" I thought you said you were about to welcome some of your friends?"

He nodded "Yes"

" Then what are you waiting for? Run along"

I found the whole thing funny. Stella can be a handful at times but I love the fact that she was protecting me. I love this girl so much.

Fred glared at her playfully then gave me a peck on the cheek before running away. Stella snorts at his retreating.

" He's always a player" she muttered.

" Calm down girl. I love this protective side of yours but you need to tune down a little "

She giggled "Yes I know, don't you get the theme ?"

I was confused " what theme ?"

" I'm a devil so I need to act as one " realization dawned on me "Now I get it"

" Our next step is to find Alex but be prepared"

" Why is that ?"

A waiter passed by and handed over a drink to us "Thanks'

" Alex is much worse than Fred. Alex is a total womanizer" she said and something flashed in her eyes. It couldn't be missed.

Is there something I'm missing here?


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